Chapter 29

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~gray went upstairs for a bit~
Y/n: I'm gonna go check on him
Ethan: Okay
*you walked upstairs and slightly heard him yelling into the phone...he said this before you walked in*
Grayson: Oh my fucking god! Just get it figured out!
*he hung up and you walked in*
Y/n: Gray...?
Grayson: WHAT! *he said out of pure frustration and turned around, only to realize who he yelled at*
Y/n: I- *his scream made you jump a little*
Grayson: Y/n- I-I didn't realize you were there, I'm so sorry
*grayson never, EVER yelled at you...this completely caught you off guard. You just stood there in shock*
Y/n: A-Are you okay?
Grayson: Yeah, I'm fine *he came up and hugged you*
*you didn't realize how stressed Grayson has been*
Y/n: Gray...I think it's time that you take a break from everything. This stress is not good for you
*he sighed and grabbed your hands*
Grayson: Y/n, I wish it was that easy...I have a gang to run, people to take care of like you and Ethan. People are after me and everyone else and I'm not about to stop and get everyone hurt because of it.
*you brought him into a hug and just stood there for a while...honestly this was one of the only things he cared about at this moment...making sure you were safe was his top priority.*
Grayson: thank you *he quietly said*
Y/n: why are you thanking me? *you lightly  laughed as you said that into his chest*
Grayson: for being there for me...Literally in any situation *his grip tightened a little*
Y/n: I'll always be here for you gray...come on, why don't we go have a day to our selfs to clear your mind?
Grayson: I don't know-
Y/n: Come onnn *you grabbed his hand and drove him to a lake*
Grayson: oh my gosh y/n *he laughed*
Y/n: Remember?
Grayson: Of course I do *you both slightly laughed*
Grayson: We used to buy ice cream everyday for a whole year after school and sit at the dock
Y/n: I guess things have changed since then huh?
Grayson: Definitely...
*you guys both stared out of the front window before getting out and walking down to was a bit later and you guys got back to the house*
Ava: Hi!!!
Y/n: Hey Ava
Ethan: Where were you guys?
Y/n: Remember that old dock?
Ethan: Oh gosh, yeah I do
Y/n: Yeah ahah...Ava and me should get going, my mom comes home tomorrow
Grayson: Oh okay, thanks again y/n
Y/n: Love you guys *you hugged Grayson and went home with Ava*
Grayson: Sometimes I wish that meant more *he said under his breath as he walked upstairs and went to bed*
~the next morning your mom got home~
Ava: Mommy! *she ran into her arms*
Y/n: Hey mom
Mom: Hi girls!
Ava: I missed you
*she kissed Ava on the head and hugged you*
Mom: Any plans for today?
Y/n: No not really
Mom: You should invite Ethan and Grayson over
Y/n: Okay...
~They got to your house~
Mom: Hi guys!
Grayson: Hey
Ethan: Hi
*skip to night time, you and Grayson went to sleep in your bed and Ava in hers and Ethan went home*
~The next morning you woke up in grays warm chest but heard some familiar voices..~
Grayson: Good morning *he said in a very low voice*
Y/n: Morning *you smiled at him
*you both got up and walked down stairs, you were in his sweatshirt and shorts and he was just in his shorts*
Y/n: Morning mom...what the fuck

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