Part 61

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Ben: Good work boss *he smirked*
Calvin: This is going exactly as planned *he reached down to pick your unconscious body up bridal style. After, all three of them walked over to Calvin's car and tied your hands behind your back and placed you in his trunk. They drove for about 30 minutes and finally getting to the destination. Your muffled screams filled the back of his car as you tried your best to kick and break out of it. Your eyes widened as it opened, revealing Calvin's face. Ben came over and picked you up, and started walking inside. Calvin came by your other side and grabbed your arm, forcing you to walk with them. You kicked Calvin's leg as hard as you could...but not stopping him in any way...he laughed to himself and said*
Calvin: You're gonna regret that y/n
*they brought you in the building, to see one chair in the middle of the whole room with 20-25 people surrounding you guys. Your confused and frustrated face glanced at everyone as Ben roughly pushed you down in the chair, bringing your hands behind it, and then proceeding to tie your ankles to it. Calvin then walked back in with some things in his hands, that were unclear to you at the moment. Ben then took the restrainer from your mouth...letting you talk*
*Calvin laughed to himself as he slowly walked over to you*
Calvin: Sweetheart, did you actually think I would leave you and poor Grayson alone for ever?
*he pushed your head back, making eye contact with you*
Y/n: What do you want from me? *you said through your clenched teeth*
Calvin: Let's get something straight. *he said as he let go of your head, pulling a chair up in front of you*
Calvin: I think I have proven my point...I have put you and Grayson through a lot of hell. And let me tell ya, I enjoy every second of it *he laughed again, making your eyes squint on him* But, I obviously have to get to the main point, right? *he stood up and laughed, as he walked over to a table and grabbed a remote controller.*
Calvin: Listen y/n...Let me ask you a few questions. Do you remember this night?
*he played a clip of Ben outside of Graysons wear house with a gun. You didn't answer and just stared at it*
Calvin: ANSWER ME *he screamed at you, as he continued to stand next to you*
Y/n: Yes *you said with a mad tone in your voice*
Calvin: What else did you do that night?
*he bent down and looked you straight in the eyes*
Y/n: Burnt down your building *you smiled and lightly laughed*
Calvin: Aww sweetheart, you won't be laughing in a few seconds. So, when you seen Ben outside, he just got done doing something very important. Would you like to know what that is?
Y/n: What *you said as you concentrated on him*
Calvin: He was placing a ton of bombs around your guys whole building, meaning with this button *he showed you a certain colored button on the remote* I could blow up the entire place.
Y/n: NO-
Calvin: Wait! *he laughed and put his hand around your mouth and he walked behind you.*
Calvin: Your gonna have to make a choice y/n, you can either let me blow everyone up in that building, including gray and your whole gang. BUT you will get to live this time. Or, you will give in and go through the worst hell you have ever been through...All alone, and eventually end up dead. *he walked back around and sat in the chair*
Calvin: And, If you decide to sacrifice yourself, you will have a week and a half to break up with Grayson, in the most brutal way, forcefully tell him you never wanted to be in his gang, leave everyone and everything behind and come to me, and this game can begin. And if you DARE to tell Grayson or dan or someone close to you and I find out, I will make sure you all die. *at this point tears were falling down you cheeks as he kept speaking*
Calvin: So, What will you pick y/n? I blow up your guys building right now, *he showed a fake clip of him blowing it up on the tv in front of you* Or, will you sacrifice everything and come back to me, Just to save your precious team?
Y/n: Fuck you. You deserve to go to hell Calvin *you cried*
*he laughed and stood up, coming over towards you. He then reached down and said into your ear*
Calvin: Option one or two?
*your breathing was heavy as you barely got words out...*
Y/n: T-Two...Don't touch anyone in the building. Okay?!
Calvin: Good girl *he smugly laughed and walked away into another room*
*ben came over and untied your ankles and stood you up, taking you outside and back into a car...where he proceeded to drive you back to the hospital. He untied your hands and pushed you out of the car and into the side parking lot...your brain still wasn't fully processing what just had to do so much in such a short time, and on top of everything, you were pregnant.
Y/n: Oh my fucking god...fuck fuck FUCK *you kept crying as you walked over and got into your hit the steering wheel before you started driving, but eventually got back and it was now 11:30 pm at night*
Blake: Hey y/n, how did it go?
*you completely ignored his question and walked into your shared room, to see Grayson in bed, only in his shorts as the watched something on his laptop. As soon as he seen your presence he got up and walked over towards you*
Grayson: Hey! What did they say?
*you looked down before you pushed Grayson back on the edge of the bed, straddling over his lap, as you began to make out with him. You could tell he was confused, but just went with it, and started to kiss you back...after a few minutes you had tears running down your cheeks, causing him to stop and look at you with a very shocked expression*
Grayson: What's going on?
*you just looked down, as he pulled you into his chest...hugging you.*
Grayson: Did something happen?
Y/n: I don't want to talk about it grayson...please *you practically whispered*
Grayson: Your hands bleeding *he said as you pulled back looking at it*
Y/n: I accidentally hit it...I'm fine
Grayson: You're not okay, that's so clear
Y/n: Can we please just go to bed? He said it's just the stomach flue
*grayson gave you a very concerning look before he lightly nodded at your question...*

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