C H A P T E R 2

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June 25 | DAY 105 : 54 pm

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June 25 | DAY 1
05 : 54 pm

The bus was now out of Seoul city, still on its way to the Busan Central Terminal. The sky now showed hues of red and orange here and there, indicating that the sun was about to retire.

Seokjin was still talking with Jimin. From their conversation, Seokjin understood that Jimin was a middle school teacher or was going to be one, the next week. He had just gotten a job in a school in Busan and was going there to join.

The conversation ended when Seokjin ran out of questions and Jimin looked tired. He thought that it'll be best if he left Jimin alone for a while and also Namjoon, who was in the middle of all this. Namjoon had been trying to read a book but, seeing that it was impossible, he just sat there and listened to their entire conversation, but never intervened once.

Seokjin sat straight, scrolling through his phone when he suddenly heard a couple of sniffs and sobs from the seat right behind his own. He turned around to see where it was coming from and found two young men staring into the illuminated screen of a small smartphone. The one who had the earphones on was about to burst into tears while the other one was slowly patting on the former's shoulder.

"Is everything okay here?", Seokjin asked with a confused face. It was not a thing that you saw on a bus every day.

The latter young man, with a black mullet and a dark green sweater, looked at Seokjin suddenly.

"Yeah, everything's fine. He's just watching a movie", he said with a smile, while the other young man, still sniffing, didn't even notice Seokjin. He was just really into the movie.

"Which movie is it?", Seokjin felt curious all of a sudden.

"Avengers End game", replied the one with the mullet.

Seokjin didn't know what to say. He looked at the young man in tears, dressed in full black. The only other colour on him, except black, was the redness of his nose and cheeks, probably because of crying.

Seokjin just stared at him and the other guy just kept on softly patting his shoulder.

"I'm Kim Seokjin. What's your name?", he asked the man with the mullet.

"Taehyung, Kim Taehyung", he replied.

The other man suddenly noticed Seokjin, quickly wiped off his tears and smiled weakly. He took off his earphones as if he decided to take a break from the movie.

"Hello, I'm Kim Seokjin. What's your name?", Seokjin delivered his opening dialogue. The number of times he said this sentence in a day was innumerable.

"H.. Hi, I'm Jeon Jungkook", he said and smiled weakly, again.

The three of them sat quietly, staring at each other for a while. It was getting kind of awkward, so Seokjin turned back to front and sat comfortably. He looked to the side and found Yoongi sleeping and on the other side, Namjoon reading his book and Jimin just staring outside through the window.

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