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June 28 | DAY 407 : 38 am

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June 28 | DAY 4
07 : 38 am

Seokjin suddenly woke up from his sleep when he heard something. Nobody could sleep properly that night after what they had seen. They would close their eyes only to open them again, thinking that they heard something. But at some point in the night, Seokjin had fallen asleep, as both his mind and body were tired.

Seokjin sat up quickly and looked outside through the small window, to see the sun rising up slowly, through the buildings. He suddenly heard something, not from outside but from inside the room and he turned quickly.

It was Yoongi squealing. He was stuck under Jungkook's leg. It sat on Yoongi's throat and he was squirming underneath it, like a worm trying to escape.

Seokjin suddenly went to Yoongi and lifted Jungkook's heavy leg and placed it slowly on the floor. Jungkook was still in deep sleep. It was very hard to calm him down after last night's events, so Seokjin thought it'll be best if he didn't disturb Jungkook's sleep.

Yoongi sat up, breathing heavily, rubbing his neck.

"Thank you Seokjin... Thank... You...", he said in between taking deep breaths.

Seokjin sat down beside Yoongi, leaning against the wall and sighed. He looked like he had lost all hope. He looked at his watch, a gift from his mother, to see the time ticking away second by second, hour by hour, day by day. How long would they have to stay in the supermarket? How long would their current shelter protect them?

June 28 | DAY 4
11 : 27 am

Time seemed to fly away quickly as it could, days felt like hours. It had already been four days since they first encountered a 'zombie' and it felt like mere hours.

Everybody was awake now, but very quiet. They had eaten the food that Yoongi scavenged from the shelves but still looked very tired. Seokjin felt like they would not survive through this if everybody lost hope, so he tried to lighten up the mood.

"So Hoseok... What do you do? I mean do you have a job?"

Hoseok suddenly lifted his head to look at Seokjin, startled by the sudden question aimed at him.

"Oh me?", he pointed to himself.

Seokjin nodded his head.

"I work as a cameraman for the 'SB24' news channel, in Busan.", Hoseok replied, smiling softly.

"Oh really?! I was going to interview for that channel... As a reporter actually.", Seokjin said, surprised.

"Wow... Really?!", Hoseok exclaimed.

"I was fired from my old job... There's actually a funny story behind it...", Seokjin said.

He felt calm all of a sudden and felt like he could breathe peacefully.

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