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Seokjin stood in front of the huge supermarket and inspected it

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Seokjin stood in front of the huge supermarket and inspected it. The front part of it was fully glass, but it was not broken. There were no cracks on it either, different from the rest of the buildings around. It looked tough and safe.

Safety, something that Seokjin craved for.

He saw something inside the building, through the glass. He was startled at first, but it was Jungkook. He waved at Seokjin and Seokjin waved back mechanically.

He went to the big glass door and pulled on the big cold metal handles but he couldn't open it.

"It's locked.", Jimin said.

"How are we supposed to get in?", Seokjin asked Jimin and turned his head towards Jimin, but he wasn't there anymore.

"Jimin? Jimin?!"

Seokjin looked around but Jimin was nowhere to be found. He suddenly heard a knock on the glass and turned again to see Jungkook pointing his hand towards the side of the building.

"You were standing here?", Jimin suddenly appeared from around the corner of the store.

"Come on! Follow me..."

Seokjin followed him to a small door behind the building. Jimin knocked on it and the door opened to reveal Jungkook smiling brightly.

"Welcome.", Jungkook said as he let them in. He slammed the door behind them and locked it.

Seokjin turned around to see Jungkook pushing a heavy vending machine in front of the door.

"Just for a safety.", he wiped his hands on his jacket and smiled.

"Jimin was kinda sure that you would change your mind. Seems like he was not wrong.", Jungkook said, looking at Jimin.

"Yeah, thank you, Jimin.", Seokjin held tight on Jimin's hands. "Thank you so much for coming looking for me."

Jimin smiled, so wide that his cheeks pushed up his eyes into two narrow crescents.

"Ah, it's fine... I'm glad you're safe.", said Jimin, his smile growing bigger.

Jungkook led them inside the store like welcoming guests into his own house. They walked for quite a bit, it was a huge store and reached a corner of the store. The rest, Namjoon, Yoongi and Hoseok were standing there, leaning on the wall, nearby a door labelled 'MANAGER'. They looked as if they were waiting for something.

"Where's Taehyung?", Seokjin asked, noticing the absence of Taehyung.

"Oh hey, Seokjin... You came.", Namjoon suddenly walked up to Seokjin.

"Taehyung? He's inside.... doing something... I don't know.", Namjoon pointed at the door.

"He's preparing us a place to sleep. Looks like we're gonna be here for a while.", Hoseok said, sighing deeply.

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