C H A P T E R 11

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June 28 | DAY 401 : 41 pm

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June 28 | DAY 4
01 : 41 pm

They got out of the room, teamed up in groups of three and four. The 'supplies team' which consisted of Namjoon, Jimin and Yoongi went towards the canned food section while the 'test run team', Seokjin, Jungkook, Taehyung and Hoseok made their way to the back of the store, towards the door.

Yoongi and his team started collecting supplies in plastic bags and cardboard cartons, but they soon realised that it would be difficult to carry them over to the bus.

"I don't think it'll be easy to carry all these to the bus... It's kinda far away.", Yoongi said, looking at the bags and cartons that they had filled up with food and water.

"Yeah... And it makes too much noise...", said Jimin, agreeing with Yoongi.

"Hey!", Namjoon suddenly spoke, "What about our backpacks?", he suggested.

"Yeah! I'll go ask the others.", saying this, Jimin shot off towards the back of the store, to ask the other team if they could lend their backpacks.

"I guess yeah... But I'll get it back right?", asked Seokjin when he heard about the suggestion. He looked concerned.

"It's just a backpack.", mumbled Hoseok.

"Did you say something?", said Seokjin, glaring at Hoseok.

Hoseok shrugged, he looked like somebody had given him a death threat.

"So I'll get it back right?", Seokjin turned back to Jimin.

"Yeah... We'll just go drop the things there and bring the bags back.", said Jimin nodding his head and then looked at the rest of them for their approval.

Their bags didn't have much in it, just some dirty clothes and some underwear. It had been days since they showered. But they didn't stink as much as they're supposed to, they managed to keep themselves clean with the minimum amount of water they had access to. Moreover, they helped themselves to the deodorants, toothpaste and mouthwash bottles available in the store, even the breath mints.

As soon as Jimin got everybody's approval, he ran to the room which they had claimed to be theirs now, emptied the bags one by one and carried all of them to Yoongi. They started filling up the bags while the other team stood at the door, contemplating on the fact whether they should open the door or not.

Jungkook finally gathered some courage and pushed the vending machine which was blocking the door, to the side. He unlocked the door and opened it slowly. The door creaked due to its age and he suddenly stopped and peaked outside. It was empty.

A smooth breeze rushed in, carrying a piercing malodour of blood and rotten meat. He closed the door immediately, his face scrunched up because of the suffocating stench.

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