C H A P T E R 26

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The creature stood right there, staring into Seokjin's soul, its bloodshot eyes gleaming as it let out a disturbing bloodcurdling screech

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The creature stood right there, staring into Seokjin's soul, its bloodshot eyes gleaming as it let out a disturbing bloodcurdling screech. It pounced forward to attack Seokjin, but something jerked it's body backwards.

"Namjoon, no! Please!"

Seokjin wanted to scream, but no sound came out from this parched throat. He wanted to run, but his legs had gone numb. He wanted to get out of this misery, but that was definitely not an option.

The 'zombie' jerked its body forward continuously as if it was trying to set itself free from something. Seokjin noticed that one of its arms was impaled on a metal hook of a shelf, a deep sigh of relief fell from his mouth.

Luck was with him for the time being, but only until the creature somehow found a way out to set itself free.

Seokjin started banging on the door with all his might, to an extent where he almost broke the door in half, he didn't have to worry about attracting any creatures anymore.

The noise provoked the 'zombie' even more, it started pulling its arm off the hook, the rotten flesh slowly tearing off to reveal its yellow-tinted forearm bones. Seokjin shut his eyes as the creature did so, the abhorrent sight was making him gag in addition to the piercing stench that Seokjin thought he had grown used to.

"Yoongi! Open the door! Yoongi!!"

He rapped on the door shouting at the top of his voice, but he stopped abruptly when he heard the sound of something snapping. More precisely, the sound of bones breaking.

He turned his head to see the creature standing still, its ashen face staring at him, one of its arms hanging on the hook, still twitching. Seokjin felt as if he could read its mind, its eyes had only one thing written in them.

"Got you now."

"Fuck!", Seokjin yelled. His lungs refused to suck in the air as if it had suddenly stopped functioning, he stifled. The creature started advancing even though its legs looked too bashed up to walk, but still, it somehow moved.

As the 'zombie' got closer, Seokjin felt his life draining away, he couldn't bring himself to knock on the door or run away. He was too weak, he just leant on the door, taking short breaths, looking straight at the creature, right into its bloodshot eyes.

A voice in the back of his head said that it was over and he knew that it was over.

But against Seokjin's fears, the creature stopped its actions, as if the burning rage and hunger inside it had died down suddenly, leaving Seokjin confused. He felt as if the creature who was once his friend had recognised him and Seokjin felt a little glimmer of something that he thought was long lost.


Seokjin gulped, his eyes never leaving the decedent's broken figure which now stood barely five metres away. He couldn't decipher what was happening, why did the 'zombie' stop itself from attacking him? Does it recognise him?

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