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June 28 | DAY 404 : 12 pm

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June 28 | DAY 4
04 : 12 pm

Seokjin sat near the same glass wall located at the front part of the building, staring outside, at the alleyway into which they disappeared. It had been more than an hour, they should've come back by now.

Something felt off, he began to feel uneasy. The rest of them were wandering through the store in search of food. Taehyung slowly went near Seokjin and sat down beside him.

"Why aren't they coming back? They should be back by now, right?", Taehyung asked Seokjin, but Seokjin didn't say anything.

"They'll be fine... Don't worry...", said Hoseok, who was standing there for quite a while. "Nothing's wrong, trust me.", he assured.

Jungkook and Yoongi joined them. They stared out, into the worn out buildings. They hadn't seen anything, no movements, but something in their minds kept telling them that Namjoon and Jimin were in danger.

June 28 | DAY 4
05 : 30 pm

It started getting dark now. The sun had disappeared into a whirl of clouds, making it even darker than it's actually supposed to be.

They hadn't left from their posts near the glass wall and now they started freaking out.

"I really feel that something happened to them. Maybe I should go and check.", Jungkook said, his voice seemed unsteady.

"They'll be fine... They... umm... probably decided to spend the night on the bus.",Hoseok patted Seokjin's shoulder, trying to calm himself and everybody else down.

"Yeah, or Jimin might've got lost. They'll be here in a few minutes.", Yoongi added, he too looked worried.

June 28 | DAY 4
07 : 03 pm

Darkness started creeping in slowly, but Namjoon and Jimin hadn't returned. The sky was overcast and dull and a strong wind blew across the streets, making all the litter on the ground fly. The broken windows started rattling and the one or two trees which were visible started swaying. Thunder was grumbling somewhere in the distance and they knew that a storm was coming. Where were Jimin and Namjoon?

"I'm really getting scared now. We should go check.", Taehyung was literally shaking.

"Calm down Taehyung! They know that those things get out when it's dark.", Yoongi continued. "They might've stayed on the bus or found some other shelter for the night.", he said, hoping that it was the truth.

"They might've seen the storm coming...so they might've decided to stay. Yeah... That's what happened.", Hoseok chimed in with Yoongi, trying to make up theories as to why they've not shown up yet.

Jungkook was vexingly quiet. So was Seokjin. They didn't say anything, couldn't say anything.

"Stand up from there now. We'll eat something and go to sleep. Come on...", Yoongi said, trying to lift Taehyung up.

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