C H A P T E R 17

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June 30 | DAY 610 : 22 am

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June 30 | DAY 6
10 : 22 am

They were stuck inside the bathroom, with nothing to eat, nothing to drink, but they couldn't just step out. Their safe house, the supermarket, was not safe anymore. They didn't even want to open the door, they didn't want to confront those things anymore. But things don't really go your way, does it?

Time didn't matter anymore. Seconds, minutes and hours passed by. Days and nights passed by, but they felt like they were trapped in the exact same moment, like a loop. A loop from which escape was impossible.

Seokjin breathed in and out rhythmically, trying to set his mind straight. Yes, they were trapped but, what next? Were they supposed to wait and gradually die in here? Or were they supposed to gather courage and go out and die out there?

No matter what happened, death was imminent. But he had to try.

He tried to think. What to do? What would somebody do in a situation like this? What would Namjoon have done?

Even though he only knew Namjoon for barely three days, Namjoon had left an everlasting impression in Seokjin's mind, more like a scar. Namjoon was the one he wanted the most now, only he would know what to do.

Seokjin's head was clouded with all these thoughts, making him go mad, but something suddenly startled him back to his senses.

The HT, it crackled to life all of a sudden, startling everybody in the room.

Hoseok, who was in his own world, suddenly grabbed the HT and tried to get a signal by turning all the knobs on it. He had given up on them a few hours ago, but now, the strings of hope came back and you could see it in his eyes.

Taehyung and Jungkook suddenly moved closer to Hoseok, trying to hear the distorted noises coming out of the HT.

"Why is it making these noises? Is it broken?", Taehyung took the HT in his hand and gave it a small shake.

"I don't know... Maybe it's someone trying to communicate.", Hoseok's eyes widened.

"Another survivor..."

Jungkook watched Hoseok and Taehyung trying to fix the HTs with irk and sighed.

"Dumb thing's broken.", he looked piqued. "Just take the batteries out."

Before he finished his sentence, he snatched the HT from Taehyung's hand and took out its batteries, silencing one of them. He reached over to the one in Hoseok's hand but paused suddenly.

"Hello... Does anybody copy me?"

The HT suddenly sounded. There was somebody speaking through the HT, somebody from the other side, the safe side.

Hoseok suddenly snapped his head towards Seokjin, their eyes locked on each other's for a moment and then on the HT. Seokjin quickly moved closer to Hoseok, while Hoseok tried to reply to the message.

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