C H A P T E R 19

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Jungkook could see Hoseok shaking, he could feel himself shaking

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Jungkook could see Hoseok shaking, he could feel himself shaking. They were in the same room as two of those creatures, there was nothing much to do. They stood there, frozen, breathing the stench-filled air, praying that this was one of their nightmares.

Jungkook started looking around for some kind of tool or weapon to defend themselves, but he knew that the moment he makes a sound, Hoseok will get attacked. That's how close Hoseok was to those things.

They were lucky that the creatures hadn't noticed them yet, but their luck was short-lived and they knew that. Jungkook noticed that Hoseok had closed his eyes, his chapped lips trembling.

Jungkook still looked around for a way out, but he was in a very difficult situation. If he moves, the doors will creak and will awake the creatures from their now-dormant state and he couldn't let that happen. He couldn't close them or open them fully. He was at a safe distance from the creatures, but Hoseok wasn't.

Jungkook suddenly turned his head back to Hoseok as he noticed him moving slowly to the back, as quietly as he could, to the kitchen countertop.

Jungkook thought that he was walking closer to him but no, Hoseok was walking away from him.

"What are you doing?!", Jungkook mouthed at Hoseok when Hoseok stopped walking, his position dangerously close to those bloodthirsty creatures.

Hoseok blinked at Jungkook and smiled softly, Jungkook couldn't understand what he was up to.

"Why is he smiling?", Jungkook thought to himself as he observed Hoseok's actions, helplessly.

Hoseok slowly reached his hand to a small gas stove placed on the counter and turned its knobs.

"What is he up to?"

Jungkook tilted his head at this action of Hoseok's, his heart was beating dangerously fast.

Hoseok looked at Jungkook again and nodded his head slowly. Even though he was standing a few feet away from him, Jungkook could see tears in his eyes, tears streaming down his cheeks and falling down onto his clothed chest.

Hoseok smiled, Jungkook still confused as to why he was smiling, the same smile which gave them confidence, which gave them comfort, which gave them hope.

"Go!", he mouthed at Jungkook. He looked as if he was waiting for something.

Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows and shook his head.


Hoseok slightly turned around and grabbed something from the countertop, from the clutter of things scattered across it. Jungkook couldn't see what he had grabbed, but Hoseok's face showed fear now and also, tension.

"Why? What was he going to do?"

Jungkook suddenly felt uneasy when he started getting tinges of a familiar odour in the undertones of the rotten meat malodour. A sulphuric, rotten egg odour suddenly took over the currently reigning blood stench and pierced into his lungs.

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