C H A P T E R 9

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Seokjin looked around, Yoongi was missing

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Seokjin looked around, Yoongi was missing.

"I thought he was with us.", Hoseok said and turned towards Jimin, "He was with you, right?"

"Yeah, he was... But I don't know where he went.", Jimin said with minimal movements, the 'undead' were still outside the glass as if they were waiting for a stimulus.

The creatures appeared to be dormant, just standing in front of the glass doing nothing. Seokjin didn't move. He knew that if he did, it will end up in an ugly massacre.

"Guys! I found some canned food...."

Yoongi appeared out of nowhere and stopped suddenly to see everybody frozen.

"What are you guys doing? Are you all... Oh my God!"

Yoongi saw what was behind the glass and his knees started trembling. He believed now, in Seokjin and what he was worried about.

"Shhhh... Switch it off and stay still.", said Jungkook pointing at Yoongi's flashlight.

Yoongi tried to do so, but in the process, he dropped the food cans in his hand producing a loud clangour.

Everybody turned to Yoongi who was standing at the very back, and then back to the glass. The creatures standing outside suddenly lifted their heads as if they had woken up from a deep slumber and started attacking the glass, making loud thumps.

The glass was tough, but more and more of them were piling up outside, they knew that it wouldn't hold anymore.

Yoongi suddenly ran to the back of the store followed by the rest of them, except Seokjin. His legs were numb and dead. Even though he was standing face to face with danger, he couldn't bring himself to run away from it. He tried to move but tripped and fell hard onto the floor. He started crawling to get away from the glass but didn't make much progress.

Suddenly, a hand caught hold on his jacket's collar and pulled him back, letting him get away from the gruesome scene in front of him. Seokjin somehow stood up and turned around to see Namjoon.

Unexpectedly, they saw a light outside and heard the sound of a vehicle. The creatures suddenly stopped attacking the glass and started running to the direction of the light, one by one. Seokjin and Namjoon suddenly ran over to the glass to see what had distracted the 'zombies'.

It was a jeep, driven by a young man. Seokjin couldn't see him clearly in the dark, but could only see one person in the open jeep. The man looked confused at first and then terrified and tried to drive his jeep backwards, but was too late. The crowd of hungry decedents swarmed over the jeep like a huge wave, swallowing everything. And just like that, the 'zombies' retreated back to the abandoned buildings, leaving the wreckage of what once used to be a jeep.

Both Seokjin and Namjoon didn't say anything, because they couldn't. They hadn't quite understood the gravity of the situation they were in, but now they did. The fact that this could've happened to them when they left the bus, shook them to their cores and they could only be happy about not losing their lives, yet.

They returned back to the room to find the rest sitting on the floor, petrified, stuck with fear. As soon as they entered the room, Jimin jumped up, panting heavily.

"Where were you guys? What happened outside?", Jimin asked, only to receive a blank stare from both Seokjin and Namjoon.

Jimin suddenly shook Seokjin's shoulder and asked again.

"What happened?"

Seokjin slowly looked at Jimin, then at the rest of them who were sitting down, gulped and then said.

"We're not leaving tomorrow."


Hi y'all, how's the story till here? I know it's a small chapter, I'll make sure that the next one is big.

Please tell me if I have any mistakes or something and you can ask me if you have any doubts.

And yes, I'm super excited for the song coming on August 21st and there's the countdown to something... Idk I'm just EXCITED.

And also, Jk's cover on 10000 hours was beautiful... Man, I really wish that he does a vlive.

OK.. well next chapter out on 1 August 2020.



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