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"We really should get off this bus

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"We really should get off this bus.", Hoseok said after shaking hands with Seokjin, in an unusually loud voice, that everybody in the bus heard him.

"Get off the bus?! Are you kids crazy?", a voice came from behind them.

They turned around to see all the people on the bus staring at them and the owner of the voice, an old man, standing in the middle.

Almost everybody had wounds on their faces, big and small, but there were no major casualities. There were no children on the bus, or else the situation would have been more serious.

"Ahjussi, it's not safe on the bus... We have to get to someplace safe.", Hoseok said and he continued. "Look at the windshield. It's completely shattered... It's not safe at all."

"We should stay on the bus until someone comes to help us. That's what we should do.", said a lady from the crowd.

"Do you think somebody will come and help us? Look around... There's nobody outside...", Namjoon suddenly stepped to the front.

"Our only chance... is if we get off the bus.", he said with emphasis.

He asked the people to move out of his way to the back of the bus. Seokjin followed him, he didn't really know why. Seeing Seokjin following Namjoon, Jungkook joined them too, followed by Taehyung, then Jimin, then Yoongi, but Hoseok didn't.

Namjoon quickly grabbed his bag and walked back to front, to the door. The main door of the bus was jammed due to the crash, so he went to the driver's side door. He pushed it open and paused for a moment.

"Now, who's coming with me?", Namjoon asked.

Hoseok was standing in the front, near his seat. He got hold of his bag which lay on his seat and walked to Namjoon.

"Please understand... It's not safe on the bus. We can find a shelter, outside, in one of those buildings.", Hoseok said pointing out, but the people seemed to be adamant.

Yoongi slowly pushed Seokjin over, took his bag and walked to the front, without a word. Jimin looked at Yoongi walking away and slowly grabbed the bag from overhead.

"I think what Hoseok says is right. We have to go.", Jimin said softly to Seokjin and Seokjin looked at him with thoughtful eyes.

Jungkook turned to Seokjin.

"I'm going too.", he said.

He grabbed the strap of his bag and looked at Taehyung. As soon as Jungkook had grabbed his bag, Taehyung had too and they both walked hastily to the front.

Seokjin looked down and slowly sat down on his seat. His mind was conflicted. He didn't know what to do. Should he leave the bus or should he stay? He really couldn't make up his mind.

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