C H A P T E R 28

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Seokjin went towards the boxes he had brought and started rummaging through its contents

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Seokjin went towards the boxes he had brought and started rummaging through its contents. He pulled out a roll of paper from one of them, unscrolled it and sat next to Yoongi. He then took the flashlight and let the light fall on the huge sheet of paper.

Yoongi, who still had the frying pan in his hand, was astonished to see what it was.

"A map... How did you...?"

"We're in a supermarket, did you forget?", Seokjin said as a soft smile lit up his face while his eyes scanned the map, forcing a smile out of Yoongi too.

It was a map showing all the local streets and shops in and around Busan, probably meant for tourists. Seokjin's eyes searched for the name of their refuge, 'Dul Set Supermarket', while Yoongi just sat there blinking, his poor eyesight not helping him.

"Ah-ha!", Seokjin exclaimed when he finally found the name after a few minutes of searching. Yoongi looked into map even though all he saw were colourful dots and lines.

"We're here now...", Seokjin said as he pointed at the part of the map where the store's name was written. "And we have to reach...", his long index finger traced a small distance from the initial point and stopped.


Yoongi looked closely. The point where Seokjin had his finger now had been clearly marked with red in bold letters, might have been an important building, he thought.

"So do we have to walk a lot?", Yoongi queried, that was his biggest fear as of now. His injured leg was practically numb due to the pain.

"I guess about a mile...", Seokjin said as he scrutinized the map closely for the exact location of their rescue-spot and the way to reach there.

"Oh...", both Yoongi's face and voice dropped, he couldn't even walk around the room in which they were stuck, how was he ever going to make till a place that was one mile away. He thought it would be better if Seokjin ditched him here and left on his own.

"Don't worry, I'll carry you."

Seokjin didn't lift his face off the map, while Yoongi sat there, his eyes wide, looking at Seokjin.

Before Yoongi could say something, Seokjin took one of the boxes, emptied it's contents and tore it open. Yoongi was confused as to what Seokjin was doing, he just watched him while Seokjin continued his actions until all of the boxes became cardboard sheets.

"This is for protection.", Seokjin said as he took one of the cardboard pieces and wrapped it around his left arm, securing it with the duct tape he had brought.

"...from bites and all, you know..."

Yoongi now understood the significance of each and every single thing Seokjin had brought, this was a brilliant idea. Yoongi mentally appreciated Seokjin's wit, but didn't say anything.

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