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July 2 | DAY 8 07 : 13 pm

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July 2 | DAY 8
07 : 13 pm

A blinding bolt of lightning followed by a deafening thunderclap jolted Seokjin and Yoongi back to their senses, they couldn't believe what they had just heard. Hope sprang back, their minds arose from the dead, their bodies felt revived.

The message kept on repeating again and again until it was imprinted in their minds.

"...Busan, 40gyedan-gil, BH building, 8th-floor helipad..."

There was hope.

"Oh my fucking lord.", the words left Yoongi's mouth almost involuntarily.

"I cannot believe this. I fucking cannot believe this! Do you think this is real?", Seokjin looked at the direction from which Yoongi's sound came, it was awfully dark.

"Yes! It sounds pretty legit.", Yoongi replied without giving any thought as such.

"So should we..."

"Yes, we should."

Yoongi was too excited to let Seokjin complete his sentence. It was their ticket out of here, the only one that they'll ever get. Even if it was just spam or a fake message, he wanted to believe it was real.

They felt the atmosphere calming down, the clouds had retracted their lightning bolts and rain had ceased to fall. The moon came out and the sound of the paltry wind blowing across the streets could be heard as a low murmur and surprisingly, everything felt at ease.

"So... I guess we have to get ready.", Seokjin slowly stood up and that's when Yoongi realised that they had to get out of the supermarket and walk all the way to the retrieval-spot to be rescued.

And that was not a very easy thing to do, not at all.

Yoongi looked up at Seokjin's silhouette, his expression was that of concern. "Do you think we'll make it?"

"Yes we will.", Seokjin replied nonchalantly as he moved in the dark towards the door.

"Wait, what are you doing?", Yoongi asked when he heard the sound of the door-bolt unlocking.

"We have to prepare ourselves to go out tomorrow, there's no time.", Seokjin spoke quickly, he seemed to be in a hurry.

"But the zombie..."

"It's not here anymore.", Seokjin had already opened the door. A cold wind brushed in carrying a fetor of rain and blood.

Seokjin stepped out after scanning the whole area lit up by the pale moonlight to make sure that there were no 'zombies' around. The thunderstorm might have lured them outside, he thought.

"Wait!", Yoongi whisper-shouted, Seokjin had just escaped death by a hair's breadth a moment ago and now, he was going out there again, without any hesitation.

Seokjin got back in the bathroom when he felt that Yoongi was too concerned about what he was about to do.

"Yoongi, just stay put. I'll be right back.", saying this he got out and disappeared into the darkness without another word, leaving Yoongi alone and scared. Yoongi had no idea what Seokjin was up to, but he slowly closed the door and waited for Seokjin to come back.

July 2 | DAY 8
07 : 52 pm

Something woke Yoongi up from his slumber, his eyes flickered open to see a bright light. He suddenly panicked and tried to defend himself but calmed down immediately when he saw that it was Seokjin.

"Why didn't you lock the door?!", Seokjin asked as he flashed a small torchlight onto Yoongi's face, worry evident in his voice.

"Get that light off my face!", Yoongi chided as he squinted, he was clearly vexed.

Seokjin moved the flashlight off his face and lit it against the ceiling, lighting up the entire room. Yoongi sat up straight and that's when he saw all the variety of things that Seokjin had brought. Cardboard boxes, duct tape, flashlights, water bottles, backpacks and frying pans?

Yoongi took one of the frying pans in his hand and looked at Seokjin, confused.

"Yoongi! Why didn't you lock the room? That was dangerous!", Seokjin's voice reached a pitch so high that Yoongi had to shush him down.

"I knew I would fall asleep... So I just..."

Seokjin sighed. He didn't want to start an argument with Yoongi, it was their last night here after all. Neither of them didn't say anything for a while until Yoongi broke the silence.

"So what's the plan?"


Heyo, I know that this is a very short filler chapter. I wanted to include a lot of things in here but then it would be too long so I decided to cut it in two. Hope you won't be angry at me for doing this, I'm sorry :]


Anyhoo, next chapter will be out day after tomorrow (cuz I'm feeling guilty that this chapter is too dry and short, so you don't have a wait a whole week hehe)



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