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July 2 | DAY 8 03 : 49 pm

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July 2 | DAY 8
03 : 49 pm

Namjoon was gone, Jimin was gone, Hoseok was gone, Jungkook was gone, Taehyung was gone, all hopes were gone.

Seokjin hadn't moved from his crouched position in front of the cold-storage door, his mind was dead, his heart had burned out. Nothing was left to be done, nothing was there to be done, he wished that he was dead.

But no.

He had made a promise, a promise that he'll save Yoongi, a promise that he won't give up and he was determined to fulfil that promise.

He stood up, gathering the little strength he had, only to realise that his body was becoming weaker by every passing second. He had to get to the bathroom and somehow find a way to get himself and Yoongi out of here, safe, sound and alive.

A long deep sigh escaped his chapped lips as he looked at the metal door for the last time. He knew that both Jungkook and Taehyung were behind that door, just a few feet away, but they were so far away from him, they were so out of his reach.

"May your souls rest in peace..."

Seokjin sighed again as he uttered the words in hushed silence, his eyes welling up with tears, some already finding their way down his cheeks.

The silence was deafening. Nothing moved, nothing echoed. It had been days since he heard nature, a lonely bird chirping it's sadness away or a hungry dog howling in the middle of the night. Everything was dead. The only thing that made him believe that he wasn't dead, was sound of his own heart beating.

He placed a hand on his chest, felt his heart and wondered how long it'll continue to throb. His days were numbered and he knew that.

Suddenly, a sound of something crashing to the ground tore through the silence, which made Seokjin snap his head to the direction of the sound. He listened for more, his breath hitched, his heart pumped, he could feel the adrenaline kicking in.

But silence revived.

Seokjin checked in all directions, there were no sounds, no movements, nothing to be seen. He made up his mind to go back to the bathroom immediately, it was a long walk and he had to get there, unscathed.

Faint sounds of footsteps arose as he walked briskly, that same uneasy feeling had clutched his mind taut and he did not feel safe. He moved quickly.

Another sound of metal clanking made him stop abruptly. He looked all around him again to find nothing suspicious. He turned back and continued walking. A strange feeling crept up to the back of his head, a feeling that somebody was following him, which sent shivers up his spine.

He increased his pace, almost close to running. He hadn't seen anything, but he knew that something was wrong and that he was in danger.

He started running, his footsteps echoing through the big hall of the abandoned supermarket. He was almost at the bathroom door now, he could see it, but that's when something caught his attention from the corner of his eyes, something moving.

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