C H A P T E R 23

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July 2 | DAY 8 02 : 12 pm

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July 2 | DAY 8
02 : 12 pm

Blood trickled down Taehyung's bare foot and dripped onto the floor as ruby droplets. Seokjin unconsciously tightened his grasp on Taehyung's hand. He looked at the drops of blood on the white floor, then lifted his eyes to meet Taehyung's trembling ones.

Seokjin kneeled do get closer to Taehyung's left foot, where there was supposedly an injury, a dangerous injury.

He slowly lifted the bottom part of Taehyung's pants, slightly drenched in blood. Seokjin prayed that it was not what he thought it was. It could be any other kind of injury, due to glass or anything sharp, but he didn't want it to be a wound caused by Jungkook. But against all hopes, he saw fingernail scratches on his ankle.

Seokjin slowly lifted his head to meet Taehyung's eyes again, this time he saw fear in them, but also something else. The same 'something' that he saw in Jimin's eyes, that he saw in Jungkook's eyes and Seokjin knew.

He knew that Taehyung's life was in danger too.

Seokjin stood up and held Taehyung by his shoulders, looked deep into eyes and tried to sound as comforting as he could.

"Taehyung... It's okay."

All of a sudden, Taehyung started shivering. His hands and his face went pale and cold. He staggered to the side losing his footing, but Seokjin caught him before he could fall.

"Sit down here...", Seokjin voiced.

He made Taehyung sit down slowly on the floor. Seokjin looked into his black pupils and then at the wound. His eyes were not grey and the blue veins had not appeared yet. He figured that Taehyung had time. At least, he hoped that Taehyung had time, that there was time to save Taehyung's life.

Seokjin quickly tore off a piece of cloth from his shirt, his shirt was merely a dirty mangled piece of fabric now, and tied it tightly above his left ankle. He wanted the blood around the wound to flow out so that the poison would leave his body along with it, but the scratches were small that only a few drops of blood were coming out. It was not enough, he had to make the wound bigger.

Taehyung sat on the cold floor, shivering and breathing heavily, but he was not crying, not even sobbing. His eyes were dry and completely blank, he just stared at the tiled floor with glazed eyes.

"Taehyung?", Seokjin snapped his fingers to get Taehyung's attention. Taehyung flinched at this action and looked at Seokjin.

"Taehyung, I'm gonna have to make a deeper cut near the wound, so that the poison can flow out. Do you understand me?", Seokjin emphasized on each and every word he said, nodding along with the clear syllables he pronounced.

At that moment, Taehyung looked scared. His facial expression flickered all of a sudden and his eyes started tearing up. He suddenly grabbed Seokjin's whole body into a hug and started crying into his chest.

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