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June 25 | DAY 109 : 49 pm

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June 25 | DAY 1
09 : 49 pm

Seokjin suddenly woke up from his slumber, when the bus took a sharp turn and he accidentally fell onto Yoongi's lap. He quickly got up and looked at Yoongi, only to find him sleeping too.

He looked outside the window. It was dark now, the red hues in the sky had given in for the dark blue shades to take over. He could see the bright stars in the sky, but couldn't find the moon.

He looked back inside the bus. It was awfully dark, the lights were off. Everybody seemed to be sleeping. On his side, Yoongi slept silently while on the other, Namjoon snored so loudly, like he was sawing logs. He couldn't really see what Jimin was up to, but he knew that Jimin wasn't asleep.

That's when he heard the familiar sobs from the back and he turned around. He saw Taehyung and Jungkook, both looking into the phone, their faces lit up by the light from the screen. The movie wasn't over yet and Jungkook was still snivelling. Seokjin didn't say anything. He turned back around and glanced at his phone to see what the time was.

June 25 | DAY 1
10 : 01 pm

Seokjin couldn't go back to sleep. He looked outside and tried to understand whether they were near Busan or not, but it was way too dark.

"Whatever happened to all those street lights...?", Seokjin said to himself as he looked outside, but all he saw was darkness.

That's when the crying intensified in the background. Yoongi suddenly woke up hearing this and turned back, so did Seokjin and Jimin. Even Namjoon, who was in his deepest sleep, woke up, wondering what was going on. They all looked at Taehyung, who was grinning stupidly at them like a clueless monkey.

"Did Iron man die?", Seokjin asked Taehyung.

"Yeah", Taehyung nodded but Jungkook didn't notice them staring at him. Even the woman in red, sitting next to Jimin, turned around to see what was happening.

They all burst out laughing and Jungkook, still crying, suddenly looked up from the phone and saw a crowd of people laughing at him.

His already red cheeks flushed more red as he kept the phone down and wiped his nose. Then he smiled a weird smile which made everybody laugh even more loudly. Somebody from the front suddenly said something, probably an old lady who was trying to get some sleep, and everybody turned back and continued doing whatever they were doing.

June 25 | DAY 1
10 : 14 pm

Seokjin looked at his phone again, restlessly, and decided to give his mother a call.

His mother was a nice lady who loved to gossip. She wanted him to call her every day, since the day he left his home in Gwacheon and moved to Seoul. He would forget most of the days but now seemed like a good time to give her a quick call.

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