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That split-second felt like an eternity

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That split-second felt like an eternity.

As Seokjin fell backwards, Yoongi's scream resonated through the raucous atmosphere into his ears, ringing in the back of his head, pulling him into a myriad of memories, the most unforgettable moments of his life.

Those nine days, the last nine days of his life, the most strenuous nine days of his life was what flicked on in his mind, like a movie out of a projector.

It started with him getting on a bus to Busan, a trip that was meant to be a short one, one that would just blend into the plethora of memories he had, an insignificant one. The people he met on the bus were supposed to be the one in a thousand trivial side characters of that movie he called his life.

But fate had decided something different, something cruel. The trip became a journey between life and death, and six souls he met on the bus became the most important people in his life, of which some of them he only knew for barely two days but left an unfathomable impression in his mind, a deep scar on his heart.

He felt the air against his skin as he slowly moved away from Yoongi's stretched out hand, falling down into an abyss of darkness dotted by recollections, vague but crystal clear at the same time.

Seokjin saw the entire nine days in slow-motion in front of his eyes, the first time he met the ice-cold Min Yoongi, Kim Namjoon with his book, Park Jimin who was going to be a high school teacher, Kim Taehyung with his stupid grin, Jeon Jungkook who cried because of Iron Man's death and Jung Hoseok with his smile that could defeat a sunrise on a beach.

Everyone had imprinted something in Seokjin's mind. They were the last people he knew, the last people he had spent time with, surviving and persisting, through the abomination that was eating the planet alive. Even though they were the people with whom he had spent the smallest amount of time, their faces were the only ones that were sketched out in front of his eyes as death approached him slowly.

Yoongi's cries got farther and farther away as he felt his body thrashing against something hard and tumbling across a wall of bodies which were dead but alive. Pain spread across his body like an electric current, but he didn't care.

Screams and shrieks and rotor blades slicing against the air muffled Yoongi's voice down, but just before the black death wave engulfed him, he caught a glance of Yoongi's eyes, glossy and drained.

Yoongi was going to survive indeed, Seokjin had kept his promise, he felt at peace. Even in the face of death, he felt peaceful. He felt as if he had accomplished something before his end, he felt happy, satisfied.

The excruciating pain of teeth and nails sinking into his skin took over all of a sudden, he screamed in pain but nobody was there to hear. From the side of eyes, he could see that the helicopter had gone far into the skies, taking Yoongi away from him, but into safety.

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