C H A P T E R 16

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The creature lurched towards Yoongi, but Yoongi didn't do anything

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The creature lurched towards Yoongi, but Yoongi didn't do anything. He clenched his jaw, closed his eyes tightly, covered his head and lied down where he fell, motionless. He knew that if he tried to run it would be in vain, so he didn't.

He had accepted his fate, he had given in. He knew that everything was over and waited for the creature to approach him, but suddenly he heard a loud thump and the sound of something crashing to the floor.

Yoongi opened his eyes to see the creature right below his legs, inches away from him, on the floor with its jaw wide open and some kind of dark viscous liquid dripping out from its mouth.

Yoongi turned his head around and saw Seokjin holding a frying pan, breathing heavily, his eyes wide open in shock. He assumed that Seokjin had grabbed his 'weapon' from one of the shelves over there and thanked God in his mind. Seokjin had attacked the creature and now it lay there still, but still alive. He threw the frying pan at the creature's head, it moaned in a low volume.

He quickly lifted up Yoongi and carried him to the bathroom and Hoseok slammed the door shut. He first let Yoongi sit down carefully, then he himself dropped to the floor, panting heavily.

Hoseok sat, leaning against the door, with his eyes closed, breathing in and out, his chest heaving up and down.

Taehyung quickly went to Yoongi to take a look at his leg. He had a huge cut on his right leg and was losing a lot of blood. Taehyung took off his once green sweater and wrapped it around the gash tightly, to stop the bleeding.

Yoongi groaned in pain when Jungkook applied pressure to it, while Taehyung got some water from the bathroom sink.

Jungkook took the sweater off his legs and tore open the area of his pants over the wound slowly, to see nothing but blood. Taehyung poured the water on the wound and washed it clean. Yoongi squirmed, biting his chapped lips.

The wound now looked clean enough and the bleeding had stopped. Jungkook tore off a bloodless piece of the sweater and wrapped it around the gash. Yoongi breathed heavily, his eyes closed, tears streamed down from them.

He suddenly opened his eyes and turned to Seokjin.

"Thank you... Thank you so much for helping me.", Yoongi said through the pain which had dimmed down now, thanks to Taehyung and Jungkook.

He looked at Taehyung and Jungkook and bowed his head, but he couldn't speak.

The white tiled bathroom floor was now covered in blood and Hoseok helped Yoongi up and made him sit down in a dry corner.

Taehyung washed the blood out, while Jungkook squatted near Seokjin, who looked lifeless.

"Are you okay?"

Seokjin looked into Jungkook's eyes, the same colour as those of Jimin's and slowly nodded his head. His could feel his heart beating out of his chest, uncontrollably.

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