C H A P T E R 15

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"What the fuck?!", Yoongi almost screamed, but he didn't

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"What the fuck?!", Yoongi almost screamed, but he didn't.

"How...? That's not possible...", Seokjin sighed heavily and the HT crackled.

"I don't know how they got in...", Jungkook whispered from the other side, "But we're trapped in the bathroom."

Seokjin suddenly snatched the HT from Hoseok's hand.

"Jungkook, how many of them did you see?", Seokjin could feel his hand shivering and sweating. He couldn't hold onto the HT properly.

"I don't know...", Jungkook replied, "We saw three of the..m... therskf shzatrd hklzsgfvb........."

The HT started making static noises again and Seokjin tried to fix it by turning all the knobs present on the device.

"Hello! Jungkook! Can you hear me? Hello!", Seokjin yelled at the machine.

"He...llo... I can't...... he....", the voice broke off as Jungkook spoke and finally, it became a series of crackling noises.

"Damn it! This thing is not working.", Seokjin cursed under his breath.

He looked at Yoongi and Hoseok. The creatures were inside the store. But how? The only door was the one through the back of the building and he was damn sure that it was secured. There were no other entries as far as they were concerned.

"How did those things get in? Were they... um... always inside?", Hoseok asked, visibly panicking.

"No... We checked the entire building right?", Seokjin breathed, "There was nothing inside."

"We should check...", Yoongi said, walking towards the door.

He opened it, slowly without making any kinds of noise, and stepped out, followed by Hoseok and Seokjin. They could sense some hints of that rotten stench in the air inside the supermarket and they knew that there was an unknown opening somewhere.

They tiptoed past the other rooms towards the store area, as quiet as possible. Hoseok suddenly noticed something while passing by the hallway that led to the storage area from the manager's room.

"Guys...", he whispered, "Look at that!"

Seokjin looked into the room Hoseok pointed into, it was the staff's break room, to find a broken window with no grills.

"Oh God no!", Yoongi screeched and Hoseok had to cup his mouth.

They hurried back to their room and locked the door.

"Oh my God! What are we supposed to do now? How can we...", Seokjin mumbled as he walked in circles in the room.

Yoongi peeked through the keyhole while Hoseok took the HT and started turning its knobs. They didn't know what to do and the fear was getting to them, their minds were paralysed. They couldn't think properly and they felt helpless.

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