C H A P T E R 8

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June 27 | DAY 308 : 09 am

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June 27 | DAY 3
08 : 09 am


Seokjin suddenly woke up from his sleep. He slowly sat up, rubbing his head. He was first confused as to where he was, but then came back to his senses.

"Oh...", he sighed, "It was just a nightmare.".

But they were still inside the supermarket. How much Seokjin wished that this was a nightmare too.

He looked around to see the rest of them sleeping peacefully. Namjoon was snoring, so was Jungkook. It seemed like they were having a snoring competition, each snore prevailed over the other.

Seokjin giggled to himself as he thought about this. He turned his head and looked at Taehyung, who was silently sleeping hugging Hoseok's leg. Jimin slept silently like a baby under the covers, he looked so small. On the other hand, Hoseok didn't have any covers on him and he was sleeping in a very weird posture. But somebody was missing.

"Where's Yoongi?", Seokjin thought to himself when he saw the door opening slowly.

It was Yoongi.

"Good morning. You woke up already?", Yoongi said while entering the room with some paper bags in his hand.

"Good morning! What's that?", Seokjin asked, eyeing at the paper bags in Yoongi's hands.

"Breakfast.", Yoongi put the bags down and took out some paper plates from one of them.

"You know, I'm a chef. I work in a small bar, but still, I am a chef.", Yoongi said when he saw Seokjin looking at him curiously.

"Really?! You're a chef? So you're gonna make breakfast?", Seokjin suddenly felt happy, he didn't want to survive on bread and jam alone.

"It's already prepared.", Yoongi said, making Seokjin's heart jump with happiness, and took out some apples and oranges.

Seokjin face suddenly dropped. "What's this?", he asked.

"Breakfast. We need to eat healthily and also.... an apple a day keeps the zombie away.", Yoongi said while handing out a plate to Seokjin with an apple and an orange on it.

Seokjin gaped at Yoongi, while Yoongi sat down comfortably and started peeling his orange.

Seokjin took a bite out of his apple and chewed it, it was sweet and crunchy. Jungkook suddenly woke up, his hair all messed up, his drowsy eyes as wide as it could get.

"Why do I smell apples?", Jungkook inquired.

Yoongi suddenly threw an apple over to him. Jungkook, even though he looked sleepy, caught the apple.

"Nice catch.", Seokjin complemented and Jungkook bit into his apple.

"You have a nice nose too.", Yoongi said to Jungkook, leaving Seokjin confused.

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