Chapter Three

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Nyx's POV:

I was back in class, listening to Yukio. I wished I would get a miracle, and have the chance to ditch. No such miracle appeared. I blew my bangs, looking at my nose.

I was hoping I could forget last night, though there wasn't much I remembered in the first place. Emi told me Rin brought me back to my room. I had panicked at first, but realized Rin wasn't like that. If anything, he was kind of stupid, in a cute way. He seemed more street smart than book smart.

He would constantly nod off, muttering words like "Sukiyaki." It was definitely entertaining, though it bothered many of the other students. Shiemi was sitting next to him, eyeing him curiously. I looked back to Yukio as he taught the class.

"Alright everyone, I'm going to hand back your quizzes now." He said as he held a pile of papers. "Shima?" The pinkette stood to his feet.

"Coming." He walked to the front of the class.

"You missed a few go have a look, and make sure you understand them."

"Got it." Shima took the quiz and walked off.


"Yes." At this point I zoned out, spinning my pencil. I turned back into what was happening when Shiemi's name was called.


"Ah! Yes!" The girl confidently walked up.

"What do you mean by Mr. Sancho?" Yukio asked, pushing up his glasses.

"Um, you peel the leaves and apply it to burns." She fidgeted with her hands. He closed his eyes.

"So you're referring to aloe? And what is Mr. Homiley?"

"A yellow powder used as an antiseptic." Her voice grew quiet. Yukio wore a half smile.

"Ah, you mean turmeric. I don't mind if you assign your own names to plants. But in the future, please make sure to use their proper names.." She yelped seeing the score. A forty-one. She bowed her head, shaking.

"Okay." She hummed sadly. Rin laughed.

"Ahaha, you thought you hadn't failed." Rin teased.

"Okumura." Yukio bellowed.

"Huh?" Rin asked. Yukio handed Rin his test. The boy's eyes bulged. A Two. I rested my head on the table.

Jesus Christ.

"You're giving me an ulcer." Yukio muttered.

"Sorry, teach." Rin pouted.

"Suguro?" The boy with the blonde and black hair stood.

"Yes, sir." He began walking to Yukio. "Tsk. I couldn't get a two if I tried. It's 'cause you keep flirting with that girl, jackass." I realized he was talking about me, and sighed as he collected his test.

"Oh, yeah, Rooster-Boy? What makes you think you'll do any better?" Rin said, shaking in anger.

"All your hard work paid off, Suguro." Yukio praised.

"Mhm." Suguro shoved the test in his face, showing his almost perfect score. I bit my lip, trying not to smile.

Of course. Who would've guessed the punk kid is book smart.

"What the hell?!" Rin ran up to the boy. "Seriously?! How can a punk rock reject like you get a ninety-eight?!" Suguro quickly became angry.

"What'd you say?!" He growled. "Listen, you loser! I came to this school because I'm serious about becoming an exorcist!" Yukio nodded in approval. "And everyone here is studying hard because they wanna be exorcists too! You're not serious about it, so drop out! Get lost!" Rin grit his teeth. I knit my brow. Rin seemed to usually laugh this stuff off, or approached it angrily. He looked tired, not sleepy. His eyes seemed drowsy. Like he was done with everyone's bullshit.

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