Chapter Seven

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Emi's POV:

I stood in the room Paku was resting in with Izumo and Rin as Yukio injected Paku with another dose of medicine.

"That fever you've got will be gone in about two or three days. You'll be up and about soon. Rest up, okay?" Yukio packed his things while Paku thanked her.

Yukio and I walked to the other side of the room while the others talked.

"Any idea on what attacked us last night?" He asked.

"It was definitely a Naberius, but I don't know why it would attack us like that." Yukio nodded and left the room. I said my goodbyes to Paku and did the same. As I walked into the hallway, I saw Nyx leaning against a wall. I walked towards her leaning next to her. She hadn't noticed. Something was wrong.

"Hey," I announced. She jumped, clearly caught by surprise. I had never been able to do this in the past. It's happened twice since she returned.

"Oh, hey. How is she?" She asked, referring to Noriko.

"She should recover soon, but I'm more concerned about you. Nyx you haven't shown your tail in years. What's going on?"

"You wouldn't know that I haven't been around. Besides, I didn't need to hide for this long. Cut me some slack and worry about this ghoul. Like, how did it get in? It was probably helped by someone on the inside, and someone with a connection to the Naberius." She avoided talking about the tail successfully.

"I agree, probably someone inside the academy let them in. It was definitely someone who knows the Naberius demons well, but Yukio and I are already dealing with that. Now, don't change the subject, I expected you to come back as an exorcist, not pretending to be someone you're not. How long are you going to keep this up?" She scoffed.

"At least I'm here, and don't worry about it, you have no relation to this decision, so don't get involved." She pushed off the wall, walking away. "We have class. See you later."

"I'm not done with you yet," I spoke standing in front of her. She didn't look at me. She seemed tired. "Don't think I didn't drop the shit about the tail. You gotta talk to me here. I mean, you haven't gone full wolf in God knows when."

"I don't need to talk to you about anything. You are definitely not in charge of me." She walked around me. I sighed, watching her leave.

"Actually, I am. Being your instructor and all!" I said as a last attempt, but she was gone. "Damn it!" I said to myself.

I was teaching the Grimoires Studies class to the students. I looked at the class and continued reading from my book,

"Most demons can be destroyed by reciting what is known as Fatal Verses. These passages contain certain words or phrases that will cause their death. In battle, Arias can identify and recite the correct Fatal Verses against demons. Now, who should I call on to recite the passage I assigned for homework?" I looked at Izumo, noticing she was not paying attention, I called on her.

"Ms. Kamiki?" She didn't respond. "Ms. Kamiki, is everything alright?" Izumo snapped out of it and stood up abruptly.

"I-I'm sorry! U-Um..." I could tell she didn't know what I asked.

"The Te Deum, Ms. Kamiki, from where we last left off, please," I told her.

"Right! Day by day, we magnify thee, and we worship thy name..." She suddenly stopped. "... Thy name and ever was..." She looked down.

"Is something wrong?" I asked genuinely concerned. This wasn't like Izumo at all.

"I... don't remember." I was shocked, to say the least.

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