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@naynayrules3290 's OC

Name: Nyx Lumine

Age: 15

Race: Half Demon-Wolf half Nephilim-Angel→(Half angel half human→Indian)

Status: Alive

Gender: Female

Meister: Dragoon (strongest), Doctor, Aria (weakest)

Rank: Senior Rank Second Class - undercover as Page/ExWire for personal reasons

Familiar: Byakko→Koko (White Tiger) Female

Appearance: Black long wavy hair, light brown skin, dark brown large eyes, long lashes, lean muscle build, short-5'1, very minor curves, scarred, clear face, several ear piercings, looks fifteen, a large tattoo on her back of black detailed wings, semicolon tattoo on right wrist, tiger tattoo on left bicep, Indian, speaks Japanese and can read and write it, overall small person, sometimes had wolf ears and a tail, wolf form is Grey Wolf, only slightly smaller, but much stronger and retains same intelligence as in human form. Ears and tail appear when Nyx is much more relaxed, but she often hides them, unless around Emi or other close friends. She can make them disappear, however, it requires a bit of energy, which is why she often appears tired, though she is drained due to many other factors as well. Turning into a full wolf also requires energy, only much more.

Personality: While sad most of the time, Nyx comes off as happy, or at least content. She is very tired, due to the constant use of energy to maintain appearances. She is very private but may open up after a while, though unlikely. She jokes around but lies often. She is patient, but is very sensitive, despite not letting it show. When she gets mad, it's explosive. She is very jumpy and startled easily, however, controls it during missions. She doesn't take bullsh*t from anyone. She lifts others up but ends up pushing herself down. She's kind but can be an asshole. She cares for Koko and Emi, who often save her from dumb shit. She can be reckless. She has been diagnosed with depression. She can be crazy in a fun, and sometimes concerning way. She is passionate and often sexual. She is actually very submissive. She is forgetful and has very selective memory, but can memorize bits of information or scripts quickly.

Love Interest: Rin Okumura


Name: Emi Takayama

Age: 15

Race: Japanese

Status: Alive

Gender: Female

Meister: Tamer (strongest), Knight, Aria (weakest)

Rank: Intermediate-Rank First Class

Familiar: Kamaitachi-Kami (Ferret) Female

Appearance: Tan skin, wide brown Asian eyes, long dark brown straight hair that's always up in some form and gets lighter at the ends, long lashes, looks mature for fifteen, slightly short around 5'2, lean build but has slight curves, a few freckles on her cheeks, scarred, clear face, satanic brand on back, a scar on right palm, reads and writes Japanese, childhood best friend with Nyx when tapping into satanic rituals she changes form, her eyes turn red, the tips of her hair start floating and glows red, veins start changing to a dark red, her eyes and nose bleeds, her brand glows red, this drains her but she completely blacks out when she fully taps in, her eyes ears nose and mouth start bleeding black blood, her veins turn black, and her eyes turn black, her hair starts dripping black ink-ish blood, she starts levitating, her brand starts dripping black blood, she can only do this very rarely and in desperate times.

Personality: Emi teaches grimoire studies and lectures in summoning, Emi is often the mom of the group, while she's strict but very kind, she makes sure all her friends are ok, she usually forgets to take care of herself which often gets her in trouble, she's very smart, she became an exorcist when she turned 13 and started teaching at 15. She became a meister in three different ways, she pushes herself and expects a lot from herself, she never wants to be like her parents so she always pushes to be better, she rarely talks about her own feelings, she never opens up, she keeps the stress she holds to herself and it slowly destroys her, she cares deeply for kami and Nyx, she cares for rin and although she won't admit it Yukio, her and Yukio complement each other well and she may have a small crush too though she won't admit to it when she started learning to be an exorcist her and Yukio butt heads mainly because they were both competitive with their knowledge and they wanted to get in each other's pants, emi is very good at taming demons, this mainly because of her connection to satanic rituals,  emi rarely talks about her past and hates showing her brand, she only taps into rituals when absolutely needed.

Love Interest: Yukio Okumura

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