Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Rin POV:

I heard faint laughter in the distance. My eyes twitched, opening slowly.

"Rin?" I heard Nyx ask.

"Are you okay?" Suguro said from under me. I lifted my head to see where the laughing was coming from when I saw Yukio covered in blue flames.

"Is that... is that really Yukio?" I looked at my brother as he continued to laugh hysterically.

"Here you go, Ms. Takayama." I looked over to see Shiemi give Emi some kind of medicine. I looked back to Yukio to see he was still laughing. I jumped off of Suguro's back and ran to the boy.

"Rin, no!" I heard Emi yell, but I didn't listen.

"What's wrong with you, Yukio?!" I screamed. He stopped laughing as he simply looked at me with a smirk on his face. "C'mon, Yukio. What the hell?" I asked. "And what's with those blue flames? I thought I was the only one who inherited Satan's power!" Emi ran up to me.

"Rin, that's not Yukio. That's-" Emi was cut off by Yukio yelling.

"Shut up!" He growled as he sent a gust of black wind. That's when it hit me, the resemblance between him and Dad on that night.

"Hold on. You're Satan!" I said as the others gasped.

"That's what I was trying to tell you," Emi muttered.

"It's about time. It took you so damn long to notice, you were starting to hurt your daddy's feelings." Yukio or Satan started laughing again.

"So that's... Satan," Suguro gasped.

"Why? Why did you take over Yukio's body?!" I yelled.

"Simple, it was ready before yours was," Satan replied. "It's a good look for me, don't you think?" I gasped. "You both have my blood running through your veins, so your bodies are the perfect vessels for me. Sure, I had to wait a few years for you to grow up, but the wait was well worth it." I started charging towards the demon, raising my fist.

"Get out of Yukio's body, GOD DAMN IT!!" I yelled as I swung my arm at him, but he spun, dodging it, and punched me in the face. I flew into the air.

"Rin!" Shiemi and Nyx yelled as Nee formed some kind of cloud plant. I landed softly to the ground as I coughed up a bit of blood. "Rin, are you okay?" Nyx asked as she and Shiemi ran to my side.

"Always interrupting. You were raised better than that. I've been dreaming of this moment for the last fifteen years. The day I finally get to bring the worlds Assiah and Gehenna together, and create a new world." I wiped the blood from my mouth.

"A new world? You're crazy!" Satan started walking towards Shiemi, Nyx, and I.

"Now that I have a durable vessel, I can move freely around Assiah, and here's a huge Gehenna Gate tailor made for my needs. This is a golden opportunity! The chance to make my dreams come true!" Satan looked down at me as he held his gun to my head. I instinctively put my arm in front of Nyx, trying to protect her. "Sorry, but I'll be damned if I let a little pipsqueak like you destroy the gate again... Now, die." I watched as Satan slowly pulled the trigger, but he was interrupted by someone yelling.

"Hold up!" I looked to see Suguro holding Shima's K'rik. "Before you punch his ticket, how about you take me on!"

"Dude, Bon!" Shima warned.

"Are you crazy?!" Koneko yelled. "That's Satan! You don't stand a chance against him!"

"Someone's gotta try!" Suguro yelled, gripping the K'rik tightly.

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