Chapter Sixteen

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Rin's POV:

My hands were in my pockets as I waited with the rest of the group for the remaining girls to show up. Emi and Yukio decided it was time to take us on another mission. However, the whole class was a part of this one. Shima sighed.

"Aw man. A field trip to an amusement park? This is where you take girls on dates."

"This isn't about having fun, Shima," Konekomaru said. Suguro then stood to his feet.

"Sitting around with these losers is a drag."

"Excuse me?!" I yelled.

"We need people in class who can pull their weight. Not useless dumbasses like them." He then looked over to Yamada and Takara.

"Easy does it." Koneko said nervously.

"Sorry we're so late!" I heard footsteps padding on the ground, and looked up. Shiemi, Izumo, and Nyx were running. Nyx had a very annoyed look on her face. I grinned. She was wearing the school uniform. All the other boys looked in awe.

"Wow, you sure look cute, Lumine." Shima said as Suguro nodded, flushed. I jumped from where I stood and walked over to Yukio and Emi.

"Am I seeing things or is her skirt, like, way, way too short? I mean, damn." I rubbed my chin, looking at her legs. Emi chuckled a bit as Yukio looked at me annoyed.

"Why are you asking me?" He questioned, fixing his glasses.

Oh, of course he's the perfect boyfriend.

"Oh, come on, Yukio. It's not like you don't check out Emi every once in a-" Yukio slammed his folder in my face as Emi laughed.

"Shouldn't you be concerned your classmates are taking in your girlfriend like eye candy?" Emi pointed out jokingly. I shrugged.

"They aren't really seeing much. Besides, I can't ask her to wear a longer skirt, then I would be depriving myself from the view-"

"Okay. Now that you are all here, let's get started," Yukio said, cutting me off on purpose. "You'll be teaming up in groups of two for today." He then passed the folder to Emi as she read aloud the teams.

"Miwa and Takara. Yamada and Suguro. Kamiki and Shima. Okumura and Lumine. Moriyama, you're with me." I looked at Nyx with a smirk as our eyes met.

Maybe this field trip isn't so bad.

"As you already know, this is Mephy Land." Yukio explained. "And the reason we're here is in response to reports regarding a mischievous ghost. Today, you are going to be the ones tracking it down. We've sealed the park off from the public so you have the whole day to find the ghost. Once you've found it, call either Ms. Takayama or my cell." Emi then spoke.

"Now what is the definition of a ghost? Ms. Kamiki."

"Yes, ma'am. A ghost is a demon that possesses the volatile emissions from the corpse of either a human or an animal. It assumes and expresses the emotions the host had before death." Emi nodded her head, smiling.

"Very good." Konekomaru then raised his hand.

"Exactly how many ghosts are we looking for?"

"There have been sightings all over the park, but according to our intel, it's just one ghost." Emi explained. "It always appears in the form of a small boy, and so far, it's mischief has been limited to arm-pulling and um... skirt-flipping." I instinctively wrapped my arm around Nyx's waist. She rolled her eyes. ¨It's pranks will only get more dangerous, so it's imperative we find the ghost quickly." Suguro suggested we split up to cover more ground, and we all agree.

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