Chapter Eleven

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Emi's POV:

Ever since the Kuro incident, I had been trying to distance myself more from Yukio. I started acting more professional towards him, only calling him by his surname, speaking only when work-related, and focusing more on teaching. I didn't think it was bothering Yukio. Besides, he was the one who said we were nothing more than colleagues. If that were the case, then I needed to respect that no matter how much it hurt. I was struggling without Yukio by my side, but I could tell he was happy. He was hanging out with Shiemi more. I thought back to when Rin said that Shiemi had feelings for Yukio.

That couldn't be true, right?

I was interrupted by my thoughts at the sound of laughter. I was carrying my bento, walking towards the fountain to eat lunch, when I saw Nyx, Rin, Yukio, and Shiemi cracking jokes. They were all squished together, causing the brown-haired boy to wrap his arm around the blonde. I noticed something grey on Shiemi's shoulders. It was Yukio's sweater.

Is that-no! It couldn't be, but it is.

I froze thinking back to when I wore that same sweater.


It was snowing like crazy, and me being the dumbass I was, forgot my coat. It was only a small trip to the convenience store, but the wind and freezing air caused me to quickly start shivering.

"Emi!" I turned to see none other than Yukio, running up to me.

"What are you doing in the cold, and without a jacket?!" He asked, panicking a bit.

"I f-forgot my c-coat." I said, shivering while smiling. Yukio then frantically removed his jacket and sweater, leaving him shirtless. I covered my eyes, startled.

"Y-Yukio! W-What the fuck are you d-doing?!" Yukio then threw me his sweater before putting back on his coat.

"Just put it on!" I put on his sweater, feeling warmth spread through my body, but I was still shivering. Yukio sees this and pulls me closer.

"W-what are you-" I was cut off by Yukio pulling me into a hug, wrapping his coat around the both of us. My face was red, and I silently thanked God that he couldn't see my face.

Does this man not know he's shirtless or...

"Sorry about the lack of clothes, you were just shivering a lot. I wouldn't want you getting sick or anything."

"It's okay," I mumbled into his chest. Yukio patted my head.

"You're so small." He joked. I looked up glaring at him. He chuckled before I pulled away.

"Thanks for letting me wear your sweater." Yukio shook his head.

"No problem. It looks better on you, anyway." I smiled while walking towards the convenience store.

"Come on, Pengu. We're gonna catch a cold." Yukio laughed, as he followed behind me.

We both caught a cold that day.


I was about to leave when I heard part of their conversation.

"It's a tough decision, but I would say my favorite would be a Calluna Vulgaris because of their spectacular beauty" Yukio responded.

"Heather. That's a good choice, Yuki." Shiemi responded when Rin then pitched in.

"Maybe you should start calling Shiemi that since you're totally crushing on he-" Nyx jabbed Rin in the side with her elbow. "Ow! What was that fo-"

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