Chapter Fourteen

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Yukio's POV:

Four minutes. That's how long Emi was confirmed to be dead before she was revived. I kept thinking about those four minutes. How for those moments, I thought she was really gone. I sat in the hospital chair, looking over her resting body. There was a small bandaid over her lip, and her bruise was still on her eye. Her hair was cleaner now, going back to its natural wavy state. Her cuts and bruises were healing quickly, but the giant bandage around her throat stayed the same. I flinched each time they changed the dressing, as the blood seemed to refuse to clot. I wondered if this is how she felt when I was in the hospital. If the pain I felt was similar to her's. I looked at her vital signs, making sure everything looked good. I remembered what the doctor had said just a few hours ago.


I sat in the waiting room of True Cross General Hospital. I had already been treated for my wounds, but I refused to rest in a bed. I held the clothes I was wearing before. They were covered in blood, her blood. I would have laughed at the irony of the situation if I wasn't in it. I looked around the waiting room. Nyx was in shambles as Rin was trying to comfort her. I felt guilt spread throughout me as I saw how devastated she was. I looked to see Shiemi was crying. Shima was hugging her, while the other students sat there worried.

Is this what it was like when I got slashed? Is this what Emi had to go through?

I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard someone sitting next to me. I saw Rin, looking at me with worry.

"I'm glad you're okay." He said slowly.

"That makes one of us," I said looking down.

"Look, I know everyone's worried right now, but you're still my little brother, and for a moment, I thought you died." I looked at Rin. He was right to worry about me.

"Thanks, Rin." Rin smiled, then looked down as well.

"Did you get to tell her?" I frowned, shaking my head. I couldn't believe that Emi might die, and I wasn't ever strong enough to tell her the truth. What good am I if I can't protect the ones I love. A doctor then walked in. Everyone looked up.

"Emi Takayama?" We all stood. Nyx, Rin, and I walked towards the doctor.

"Is she alright?" I asked. The doctor looked down at her charts.

"She lost a lot of blood, but thankfully, the blade barely missed her artery. She's very lucky to be alive. I expect her to wake up very soon." We all sighed in relief.

"I told you she'd be fine," Rin exclaimed. "Emi's a fighter."

"There is one thing I should tell you." We all looked at the doctor.

"While the blade missed her artery, it did hit and badly damage her vocal cords. We were able to stop the internal bleeding, but we're not sure if she'll ever speak again." The room suddenly felt tense again. We all stood for a moment before I decided to speak.

"Is there anything that can be done?" The doctor looked at me.

"When she wakes up, we'll do some more tests to see if the damage is permanent or not. For now, all you can do is wait for her to wake up. She's going to be in a lot of pain and confusion when she awakens, and because of the severity of the wound, we had to put her on heavy medication that may affect her ability to move. The best thing you all can do is simply be there for her as she heals." We nodded our heads, thanking the doctor.

"Can we see her?" Nyx asked. The doctor nodded and we agreed that Nyx could go see her first.


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