Chapter One

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Hey guysss, just a quick update. I have a newer, better version of this story on my page. Take this version with a grain of salt because, quite frankly, it sucks. There are plot holes everywhere, and just bad writing so read on if you want, but i recommend my newer His Blogger V2! Thanks, love you all as always.

"Shit" I breathed grabbing my laptop from inside my book bag. I rushed over to the bedroom, throwing the device onto my comforter. I swiftly sat down; prying open the screen, the due date for the next blog was in... I looked to the bottom right and corner of the computer to check the time.... 27 minutes. I cannot write a story in 27 minutes.

This stupid daily blog was never what I wanted to spend my Saturday night doing. Hell, I could be out getting drunk like a normal college student. But someone had to blog, and when nobody volunteered in my Literature class the first day of school, my name was picked from the "digital hat". This is a crappy app with all my classmate's names in the program. It made a random name pop up every 20 seconds. And, by some grace of God, with 43 other students in that class, my name came up on Mr. Lamder's tiny computer screen.

So now I am blessed with the burden of the daily blog for the rest of the year. Lucky me! I exhaled heavily, logging into the college website and clicking onto the daily blog section.

Creating erotic stories isn't really allowed, but my writing is anonymous, I haven't been reprimanded yet, and every story gets at least 950 reads. So, it's a success. I checked the clock again, 24 minutes left.

How the hell am I supposed to start this damn thing? I need to think of something quick before my roommate comes barging in drunk. A spike of jealousy runs through me. I want to be drunk. I want to have fun. I push that thought aside and start writing.

"Michael stalked up to her and whispered in her ear "Do you want me to touch you? Hmm, kitten? Cause I'll happily do whatever you say. You just need to tell me what to do." Every time she took a step back he took one step closer. This continued until she was flush against the wall. Her heart raced. He was taunting her. Michael knew exactly what she wanted. She looked up as he towered over her. Julianna's small frame was tight against Michael's. He trapped her in between his large, muscular arms. He pressed his hips into hers, letting her feel his bulge. Then he leaned down until they were eye to eye. Their lips impossibly close.

"Tell me kitten, what do you want?" His warm, minty breath fanned across her face. She parted her lips and spoke shyly, quietly,

"I...I want you... To... "

"Yes?" he muttered waiting for her answer, burying is head into her neck.

"Fuck me" Julianna spoke softly.

"Gladly" He smiled and picked her up, she immediately wrapped her legs around him as Michael kissed her roughly. He walked them over to the bed and dropped Julianna. She fell with a gasp and Michael ripped off her clothes. With shredded garments spread across the hardwood floor, he dropped down to peck her lips and trailed sloppy, open- mouth kisses down her neck, to her small breasts, to her mid-section, and then to her core. He cupped her mound and she let out a soft moan. Julianna covered her mouth with her hand, her cheeks heating from embarrassment. Michael chuckled lowly and grabbed both her hands with one of his, positioning them over her head.

"Don't you dare hold back. I want to hear you scream. I want to hear those beautiful moans come out of your mouth" His voice deeper, more threatening. "Your so wet kitten" He breathed, using a finger to massage her slick folds. She moaned and writhed under his touch as he increased his speed. Michael guided his other finger to her entrance, circling it slowly.

"Please" Julianna whimpered, wanting more than anything for him to insert his finger.

"Please...what?" He mocked, continuing his assault to her pussy. She moaned loudly, approaching an orgasm.

"P... please... put it in" She finished, and he moved his finger inside, pumping it in and out speedily. Julianna shook with pleasure, her orgasm explosive as she screamed his name. As he pulled away, he watched her chest heave up and down.

"Are you ready for this cock?" He questioned, grinning wickedly. Michael unbuckled his belt and dropped his jeans.

"Yes" She responded nodding aggressively.

Tune in tomorrow for part 2!

I clicked the blue publish icon and sighed, tangling my hands through my clean hair. This was the third night in a row where I completed a story with less than a minute left. I stared at the clock, 11:59 pm. The amount of stress I cause myself on a given day is seriously groundbreaking. A knock sounded at the door and I slammed my laptop shut, standing up to see who it was. My oversized Tee hung at my upper thighs, greeted by black spandex. I trudged over to the door, unlocking it and swinging it open.

"Hey... baby girl! How was your night?" Skye beamed as she brushed passed me, knocking over a lamp in the process. I wrinkled my forehead, watching her struggle to walk. I whipped the door shut, rolling my eyes. This was going to be a long night.

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