Chapter Twenty-Three

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I watched Ace carry in the last of the boxes, beads of sweat trickling down his forehead. He had insisted I relax and unpack my belongings while he did the heavy lifting. And I happily obliged. It's not like I'd be much help anyway.

But having time alone in our... huge lakehouse gave me time to think. And I realized that Ace and I fell in love within a week of knowing each other. Which is absolutely insane. But, what's even scarier, is I can't imagine not being without him. Ace is... well... he's mine. End of story.

I never believed in soulmates or true love. It was simply childish. Something out of fairytales and trashy romance novels. But, if anything, I learned that your life can change in a blink of an eye. And no matter how screwed up the universe can be, there is always a shooting star waiting to be wished upon... just for you.

I mean, look at me! I came from an abusive relationship, Ace barely has a family, and now we're in love and having a baby. I'd say that's pretty damn good.


Goodbye, Daily blog. I sure as hell won't miss you.

I swiftly typed the final words in my laptop, a huge pressure lifting from my shoulders. I'd never wanted that damn job, and now everyone at the university knows my identity. Which honestly was terrifying.

"DANNY" Skye screamed again, marching through the front door.

"What? Is someone hurt?" I asked letting her yank me through the house. She was holding a camera in her free hand, fingers hovering over the record button. "Dude, what's going on?" I yelled, noticing a smile overtaking her features.

She guided me to the backyard, and I stopped dead, tears threatening to spill out. Ace stood at the dock, wearing an expensive suit. Gorgeous fairylights and white streamers hung above him, along with blooming white roses. Champagne sat in a ice-filled bucket, next to a half-open pizza box.

"Wha-what is this?" I asked, stepping closer. As I advanced onto the dock, Ace knelt onto one knee, pulling out a tiny, velvet box from his back pocket. My heart swelled at the sight, and I sobbed hard, watching his hand take mine.

"Danielle Elizabeth Accola..." He started, smiling toothily. The soft click of a camera sounded in the background, but we both ignored it. Ace's green orbs bore into mine, swirling with so much passion and adoration. "Loving you has been the most confusing, fantastic, and terrifying thing that has ever happened to me." I laughed in between sobs, wiping away the tears on my cheeks. "And I really, really, really want to spend every second of the rest of my life with you. So I guess what I'm asking is... will you marry me, love?"

I nodded enthusastially, collapsing next to him. He wrapped his strong arms around me, planting kissed in my hair. He held me as I cried, rubbing soothing circles in my back.

As we pulled away, he opened the velvet box, revealing a ring pop. I giggled, slipping it on.

"I know how much you hate wearing rings, so I figured you could eat this one, and I'll buy you a wedding necklace instead" Ace whispered, taking a lick of the candy. I bit my lip, my core heating immediatley at the action.

"AHHH YAYY" Skye and my mother screamed, coming over to drown us in hugs.

"Congrats you two" My dad said, patting Ace's shoulder. They exchanged quick hugs as Skye kissed my cheeks.

When everyone settled down... and stopped crying, my parents went to the guest house, claiming they were tired from all the excitement. Skye had a date with Damon, so she left as soon as possible. I had no idea what was going on between them, but she's definitely in love. I could tell that from a mile away.

Ace and I sat on the dock, cuddled together in huge blankets. We watched the gentle sway of the lakewater, and listened to the soft splashes against the rocks. The bright, twinkling stars reflected off the water, projecting light into the surrounding forrest. It was so peaceful, and by far my favourite place on the planet.

"Hey, Ace" I mumbled, taking a deep, calming breath. Crickets sang in the silence, harmonizing with the other wildlife.


"That's not actually champagne, is it? Cause in case you forget, I'm very pregnant" I chuckled, pointing to the two bottles in the ice bucket. Ace snorted, biting into a slice of pizza.

"No, dude. It's sparkling apple juice." He fed me his pizza, then leaned down to kiss my greasy lips.

"I love you" He murmured, pecking my mouth again. "And can't wait to start a family with you"

"Love you too" I whispered, inhaling his woodsy scent, "And I can't wait until I have a mini-us running around"



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