Chapter Ten

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I scoffed at Ace's proposition. Like hell, I would stay here with him for the whole weekend. It was only Wednesday, so I would really be spending about four days with the spawn of satan.

"Dude, are you serious? It's Wednesday! I have classes a-and homework. We need to turn in our project too! I don't have the luxury of a job waiting for me if I fail!" I reasoned, trying not to lose my temper.

"Okay, but you're forgetting I run a major business. I can excuse you for your work and tell your teachers you are taking an internship with me for the rest of the week. As for the project, we can just finish it here, then send it via email. Come on, Love. Let's let go for the weekend. Think of it as a mini-vacation." Ace shrugged, taking my hand, and looked me dead in the eyes. I sighed, going over his offer in my head.

"But... my parents. They came all the way down here and-"

"So they can visit! Please, Love. Adventure with me!" He pleaded. I bit my lip, gazing over his facial features. Ace's expression was adorable, his unruly hair spiking in all directions. I sighed, knowing my answer.

"I guess so" I nodded, grinning. His eyes swirled with enthusiasm as he jumped up and lifted me, spinning us around as I wrapped my legs around him. I giggled, tangling my fingers in his soft hair and closing the space between our lips. We moved our mouths together in a passionate, rough kiss. I absentmindedly grinded against him, guttural moans escaping his throat. The need for him has increased ten-fold over the past 24 hours. No one has ever been able to satisfy me as Ace has, and the idea of being with anyone else suddenly terrified me. It was odd, having such a strong feeling towards someone, who was basically a stranger to me.

My chest heaved and my mind became fuzzy when he broke the intense kiss, placing me on top of the kitchen island. Ace stood between my legs, spreading them apart as he leaned into my neck, trailing his soft lips across my jawline.

"Ace" I moaned, tilting my head to the side. He continued his assault to my neck and discreetly brought his hands to my thigh, gently pinching the skin near my pussy. Ace cupped my core, causing me to arch my back. My body melted to his touch. I was completely at his mercy. He sucked on the sensitive part of my neck, earning another moan out of me, then expertly hooked a finger around my panties, swiftly ripping them off. My breath became rapid, the anticipation was torture. As he brought his fingers to my wet folds, he crashed his mouth into mine, muffling the loud moans that threatened to escape my throat.

I whimpered as he inserted two fingers, my body aching with need. I drew my hand to the front of his dark jeans, feeling his impressive hard-on, then began to unbuckle his belt. I gasped, stopping my movement and laying my back down against the cool marble. My orgasm was approaching fast. Ace suddenly pulled out, smirking at me as I groaned in disappointment. He lifted his hand to his mouth, sucking my juices from his finger, locking his lust-filled eyes with mine.

My chest rose and fell rapidly as I watched him. Ace pulled his shirt over his head, revealing his toned muscles and delicious defined V-line. I bit my lip seductively, following his action and shrugged off my dress, laying naked in front of him.

"God, you're so sexy" Ace grunted, his green orbs concentrated on my breasts. He suddenly ducked down, taking my nipple in his mouth. I moaned softly, shutting my eyes to intensify the feeling. I heard the quiet jingle of his belt, then the plop of his jeans hitting the floor.

"Please" I begged, scooting myself closer to his cock. He chuckled under me, lifting his head up and gazing into my eyes. I looked at him through my long lashes, praying he understood my desperation. "I- I need..."

"What love? Do you want me to fuck your tight little pussy?" He whispered, bringing his cock closer to my entrance. I whimpered again, and nodded, unable to form words. "Verbally" He barked, making my pussy impossibly wetter.

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