Chapter Seven

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"What? Are you nuts!?" I asked incredulously, battling the urge to punch him in his arrogant face.

"Nope, you have one more chance before I airdrop this to everyone in the room, Danny." Ace smirked, wiggling his eyebrows and waving his phone in the air. "Willing to take me up on my offer?"

"No!" I declined, sitting straight in my chair. He wouldn't.

"Sending in 3... 2... 1 and a half..." His finger approached his screen and panic stuck through me.

"Okay, okay, fine. I'll do whatever you say..." I caved, snatching his phone from out of his hands. "Bastard" Ace grinned victoriously as I hesitantly gave his device back. He slipped it in his pocket and turned to me.

"So here are the rules. Do what I say, do the job well, and I won't send the video to everyone on campus" He shrugged, taking a sip of the coffee we were apparently sharing. I scoffed at him, spinning around as our professor walked into class.

"Good morning guys." Mr. Lamber grumbled, sitting down in the swivel chair behind his desk. "Today is your lucky day... a catch-up day. Seeing how it is the middle of the week, and everybody has there own crap to deal with, you have the whole block to work on the mini-project I assigned you" The class erupted in cheers and I sat with my mouth hanging open. This cannot be happening to me.

I zipped open my bag and grabbed my laptop, Ace doing the same. If I could avoid talking to him for as long as possible, maybe it will protect me from whatever he has in plan. I eyed him, his face stern as he focused on typing. It was kinda... cute. My gaze traveled down to his outfit, today he was sporting a tan hoodie, with a black leather jacket over it. His loose jeans hung deliciously on his hips as he adjusted himself in his seat. I returned my eyes to the computer, I was just full-on checking him out. I internally scolded myself and went to working again. After 5 minutes of typing out reviews about The Daily Blog, he broke the silence.

"This is so boring... let's make it a game" he started, reaching out his hand, playing with the ends of my hair, I slapped it away and plastered on a fake smile.

"What do you have in mind? Your wish is my command... unfortunately" I squinted my eyes, giving him a sharp glare. Ace smirked and chuckled lowly.

"Mr. Lamder! Do you mind if my partner and I work somewhere else? It's distracting in here with all the noise..." He yelled, standing up and packing his things, already knowing the answer.

"I don't care what you do" The professor murmured, quickly padding his thumbs on his phone. I wasn't really shocked, but it was surprising that Ace wanted to leave.

"Follow me, Love" He whispered into my ear as he slid by me, and I did what he said...reluctantly. He spun around and winked at me before exiting the lecture hall. I sighed, grabbing my belongings, along with the coffee, and started down the stairs. God, why does he always have to be so spontaneous, can't he just stay in one place for two seconds! And what's with his obsession with me? Why is Ace Mitchell hanging around with a weirdo from Florida? I arrived at the door, entering into the hallway.

"Ace?" I called looking down the corridors. Suddenly, a buzz vibrated in my back pocket; my phone. I took it out, putting my coffee on the nearest table, then staring at the new notification.

Ace: Meet me at ur dorm

Me: Why?

Ace: We r going to play a game ;)

Me: What game, Ace?

Ace: u will see...

I rolled my eyes and obeyed his command. When I arrived at my dorm, I noticed he was already sitting on the couch, working on the project. He didn't even look at me when I sat down next to him and began unpacking my laptop.

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