Chapter Nineteen

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"Hate is a strong word, Dan. Next time use dislike. Because you cannot hate someone you first did not love. You hate them because you loved them and, you lost them."

My mother had told me this when I was seven years old. And up until now, I had never really understood it. But now I know how absolutely and totally wrong she was. That conversation has always been stuck in the back of my mind. And now, I've come to the conclusion that she was wrong. So, fucking, wrong. Yes, I loved Alexander... BUT now I want him dead, or better yet, burned in a fire. I hate, hate, hate him. And Jesus can't change that, mom.

This was the thought that popped in my head as I regained consciousness. Greeted by the soft beep of heart monitors and the smell of ammonia.

Currently, it hurt to breathe. It hurt to move. It hurt to think. I really just felt like death... and probably looked it too. My throat stung as I swallowed my thick saliva, probably from the deadlock grip Alexander held my throat at.

"Danny... I know you probably can't hear me, but... please, just please wake up. It's been three days, Love. Fight for me please." Ace's voice cracked as he spoke, and his faint sniffles echoed in the hospital room. I felt his hand gently squeeze mine, and I returned the tender gesture almost immediately. Though it was difficult, I found myself opening my eyes, slowly becoming accustomed to the bright ceiling light.

"Can you shut up... I have a pounding headache... and your whining is not helping" I whispered throatily, causing his whole body to jolt upright. I tried to smile, but could only move my lips so far. When he finally faced me, I gasped in shock. "Wow... you look... like shit" I managed out, and he just chuckled, running his fingers through his unkempt hair. Ace's eyes were red and puffy, and his stubble was slightly grown out. "Were you crying for me, Ace Mitchell?"

"Of course, Love. God, I thought I lost you. I- I thought..."

"Hey, hey, hey" I started, reaching up and wiping a stray tear from his cheek. "I'm okay. I'm fine. Come here" I offered, scooting over to make space for him, and patted on the sheets.

"I don't want to hurt you, love. You need to rest." He said hesitantly, walking over to fill a plastic water cup.

"I'm okay, A, really. Just nauseous, and dizzy. Please, I want a hug" I pouted my lip and blinked lazily, sticking my arms out. The IV in my hand jiggled at the movement, and Ace shot me a sympathetic smile.

"Okay," He handed me the water cup, which I gulped down in seconds, then he hoisted himself next to me. We were both laying on our sides, staring at each other. I placed a soft kiss on his forehead and pressed my thumb into his frown lines, smoothing them out. He exhaled contentedly, pulling me into his chest. I have so many questions swirling around in my brain. What happened to Alexander? What were the extent of my injuries? Did he get arrested? Is he dead? But I didn't want to worry Ace or get him upset. It could wait... there was always a time and a place.

Suddenly, the trauma from the beating flooded into my mind at full force. Tears flowed down my bruised cheeks, and Ace held me tighter, letting me sob into his shirt.

"I love you, Danny Accola. So, so much" He whispered, pressing his lips softly against mine.

He held me until I fell asleep, murmuring comforting words into my ear. If you had told me a month ago I'd be in love with the college player, I would have laughed in your face. It's funny how life changes so quickly. Ace is with me now, hopefully for a very long time. I can't imagine living without him. I honestly think I'd die of heartbreak if he ever left. My head hurt just thinking about it.


"She was awake earlier but fell asleep in a matter of minutes. I don't know, doc, I think she's getting better."

"Yeah, and of course I missed it. What a fantastic friend I am."

Skye. Skye was here. I lifted my eyelids, pupils adjusting to the lights. They were all standing in the corner, muttering quietly. Skye was holding a massive cup of coffee, rubbing her forehead in annoyance. Wearing pajamas... typical. Ace seemed stressed, pacing back and forth.

"Mr. Mitchell, she suffered a horrifying blow to the skull. Her intracranial pressure is stable, as of now, but if her brain starts to swell..."

"I know, I know."

"But, if she wakes up she's out of the woods? I mean I've seen Grey's Anatomy and people-"

"Skye this isn't a fucking T.V show!" Ace shouted angrily, earning a harsh slap to the face. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm just scared. Please-"

"Yeah, we're all scared Ace! I don't understa-"

"Guys, this is a trying time for everyone, but you need to calm down. Her body can sense the tension in the room, and if she gets too stressed, or too overwhelmed, the baby's life is at risk. It's only two weeks old, so you guys need to get it together, take a deep breath, and get along." The doctor said, walking out of the room. My heart raced in panic, as I parted my lips to speak.

"Di-did he just say... baby?" I managed out, and both heads turned to me in unison. Skye ran up to me and gave me a bear hug, squeezing the air out of my lungs. Ace watched with a huge grin stretching from ear to ear.

"Look who decided to join us" He laughed, stepping closer to me. Hot tears stained my cheeks as I wept. I had no idea why I was crying, maybe it was Alexander, maybe it was because I was happy, maybe I was tired. Who knew?

"Babe, what's wrong?" Skye asked, stroking my hair lovingly. I shrugged and wailed harder, earning laughter from the two.

"A-am I pr-pregnant?" I asked, and they looked at each other, smiling widely. Ace nodded to her and they returned there gazes to me. Skye started to hop up and down in glee, twirling around.


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