Chapter Fifteen

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"RUN!" I screamed, sprinting down the alleyway with Ace close behind. Police siren's blared in the distance and I cursed myself for ever agreeing with him. Our heavy footfalls echoed throughout the eerie backstreet, occasionally splashing in dirty puddles.

"Danny over here!" Ace called, and I spun around, seeing him pointing at a small tunnel in between two buildings. "Let's hide in here, it's tight... but we'll fit." He persuaded. I hesitantly followed, crawling into the small cave. Ace's large frame barely made it in, and I slid next to him with ease. We sat against the wall, heads resting on each other, panting laboriously. Sweat poured down our faces from the strenuous activity over the past two hours.

"Move your asses! They couldn't have gotten far!" I heard a man's husky voice reverberate in the sketchy alleyway. Footfalls padded hard against the ground closer to us, and Ace covered my mouth with his hand, noticing my breathing increase rapidly. He lifted a finger to his lips telling me to be quiet and I nodded, inhaling steadily.

"Calm down" He mouthed, and I nodded again trying to steady my racing heartbeat. The sirens became louder, and more footfalls approached.

"Come out with your hands up, Mr. and Mrs. Starkie." A loud intercom projected, and I cringed at our cover names.

"It's okay, do it, and follow my lead" Ace assured me, and we filed out of the tunnel, hands above our heads. We are so fucked.

5 hours earlier

"Depends on how stupid it is" I laughed nervously, suddenly very wary of his plan.

"Well," He sat down next to me, taking my hand "We could possibly get arrested... but it could be really fun." Ace wiggled his eyebrows. I frowned waiting for him to continue. "Do you know the night club we saw across the street from Adam and Eve...? Well, I own it. Mom and Pop used to love the noise and bustle of people everywhere." I gave him a sympathetic look, but he brushed it off, placing a kiss on my forehead. "Anyways, it's kind of like a bank for the company. We store a lot of money in its basement. So... let's rob it."

I gawked at him, laughing relentlessly. "Are you insane? Absolutely not!" I managed in between giggles. A stern expression crossed his features, and I sobered up immediately.

"Come on, Dan. It'll be fun! I mean I literally own the club, so it's not like we'd actually get arrested. I'll make disguises and fake ID's. Please! It's for the love of the chase, I promise you won't regret it!"

"No. Do you want me to spell it out for you? N-O. How about in german? Nein. French? Non! I don't understand wha-"

"Danny come on, live a little. I swear to god I won't let anything happen to you. And if it does... then... erm...... Oh! I'll do whatever you want for a whole month. Be your personal slave."

Ace watched me with pleading eyes, hoping I would give in. He has got to be nuts. Seriously psychotic. What twisted shit is going on in his head. I have a reputation to worry about, if this get's out, I'd be screwed. But, he has a point... it would be fun. So maybe I'm just as crazy as he is, but this seems... lively. I tilted my head, staring at Ace with bewilderment. I trusted him fully, but some part of me had such a bad feeling about this.

"Why are you looking at me like I just grew two heads?" He asked curiously, hands on his hips

"Because you're corrupting me with these stupid, stupid, stupid plans."

"So... is that a yes, or?"Ace stood on his toes, fingers clasped tightly together.

"A very reluctant yes"

He clapped his hands together and jumped up and down, suddenly sprinting out the room. This was going to be a long day.

3 hours later

"Oh yeah, this is definitely the one" I shouted from the dressing room, admiring the red leather dress accentuating all my curves. It was strapless and ended at my upper thighs, perfect for a night in the club. We had decided to buy new outfits for the robbery, besides, i didn't have any dresses with me.

"Well come out here and show me! We have to go soon." There was urgency in his voice, and I swiftly swung the door open, walking out for Ace to see. He was typing away at his phone, then looked up and tensed at the sight of me.

"What's wrong... is it bad?" I asked concerned, smoothing out the dress. Ace shook his head violently, stood up, taking long strides and crashed his plump lips into mine. I moaned into his mouth, tangling my fingers into his disheveled dark hair. He walked us back into the dressing room and closed the door gently with his free hand, breaking the kiss only to stare deeply into my eyes.

"You look hot as fuck, Love" Ace's warm breath fanned across my ear, coaxing another moan from my throat. He lifted me by the legs and slammed my body against the wall, roughly removing my panties. Without warning, two of his fingers entered me, pleasure coursing through my veins. I grasped onto his shoulders, chewing on my lip to suppress my moans.

"Don't react" Ace grinned devilishly, crashing his mouth into mine with a bruising kiss. I whimpered and writhed as his fingers moved faster, sending jolts of pleasure up my spine. He pushed his tongue into my mouth swirled it around, deepening the kiss. Ace abruptly bit down hard on my lower lip and I gasped loudly, shocked by his extreme behavior. Incredulously, it aroused me even more. My pussy was soaked from all the excitement as his fingers continued to pump into me, my juices flowing down his hand.

"A-Ace... please... I need" I squeezed his shoulders harder, feeling his hard member brush against my thigh. Gazing into his determined features, I noticed the desire seeping out of his very core, realizing he wanted me as much as I wanted him, if not more.

"What do you need? Tell me. Use your words." Ace's husky, demanding voice invaded my ears, and just as I felt I was on the brink of an orgasm, he pulled out, leaving me on edge. I huffed in frustration, jutting my lower lip into a pout. Ace's face clouded with pure lust as he watched my features contort into a scowl. My pussy ached from the lack of attention, and I wiggled my hips shamelessly to gain some sort of friction. "Use your words, Danny" His memorizing voice again brought me out of my hysteria, and I swallowed the saliva building up in my throat before speaking.

"I-I need your cock inside me... now" my voice trembled in trepidation and Ace brought his hand up to cover my mouth. The clatter of his jeans hitting to ground echoed in the small room, sending my mind into a frenzy. He teased my folds with his member in tantalizing, excruciating circles. With a free hand, he pushed my tits out of the tight dress, rolling my nipples between his fingers. I arched my back and whined, needing Ace's thick cock to pump relentlessly in and out of my body. Needing to hear the intoxicating grunts that erupted from his mouth, and the sexy "O" his lips contorted into as he came inside me. Needing to see his jaw tighten with pleasure, and unclench as he released.

Just when I thought I couldn't handle anymore of his spell-binding torture, Ace powerfully rammed into me. I threw my head back and breathed heavily, trying my best not to moan for the entire dress shop to hear. My nails dug into the smooth skin of his back, leaving deep red scars in their paths. I moaned softly and rested my forehead against his, staring deeply into his gorgeous green eyes. The pad of his thumb finished circling my nipples and trailed downwards, stroking my throbbing clit. His action brought me closer to my climax, and I began to move my hips in the same rhythm of Ace's forceful thrusts, intensifying the sensation. He scratched at my waist and grinned sexily, his shiny teeth breaking through his lips.

"This what you need? My dick tearing through this tight little pussy?" Ace whispered, squeezing my ass tenderly. I shook my head, unable to speak. The pressure in my core building higher, and I was losing control fast. He delivered sloppy kisses to my tits, which bounced from our intimate movements.

"Yes" I managed to pant "Oh, fuck"

My legs began to shake and I came undone, releasing my juices around his hard erection. My eyes rolled to the back of my head as I savored the climax. My body buzzed in the aftermath, and after a few more pumps, Ace shot his seed inside me with a low growl. He pulled out and gently placed me back on the hardwood floor, picking up his jeans and wrapping his belt around his waist. I readjusted the dress and smoothed it out, nodding my head in the small mirror once satisfied. We stopped briefly to steady our breathing, tension filling the air around us. I cleared my throat and smiled a big, genuine smile, which Ace returned.

"Ready to rob a club?"

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