Chapter Twenty-Two

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3 months later

A sharp sting landed across my cheek, waking me from my deep sleep. I groaned, yanking a pillow over my head.

"Danny, it's the last day of school, you can't be late on the last day. I mean seriously if you didn't have a problem before, you do now. Pregnant you sleeps like the dead." Skye scolded, tossing a pair of sweats at my face.

I shot up, instantly feeling nauseous.

"I have to pee" I moaned in annoyance, staring at the mirror. My belly was barely showing, and it honestly just looked like I gained weight. Wearing baggy clothing helped though.

There was a knock at the door, and Skye ran to the entrance, welcoming Ace inside.

"She's miserable today, please go deal with that, I have a coffee date with Damon" She said, and sped out of the dorm. I swallowed hard, holding back the vomit that came with morning sickness.

"Puke bucket!" I yelled, and he tossed the dark plastic pale in my direction, kneeling behind me to hold my hair back.

"I hate you" I whispered, breathing heavily. He kissed the back of my sweaty neck, pressing a cool towel against it.

"You say that every morning, love" He whispered, helping me out of bed. "And every morning I tell you how grateful I am for you, your superhero strength, and perfect body. I love you"

"You always know the right things to say... except when you don't" I chuckled, grabbing my bookbag. Ace pulled a hoodie over my head, and seized my bag from around my shoulder. He bent down, helping me with my sneakers, double knotting them before standing back up.

"Ready?" He smiled tiredly, watching me clumsily walk out of the door.

"I'm fat, not disabled, you know... oh I have to pee" he laughed lightly, waiting for me outside the public bathroom. I sighed, finally satisfied after relieving myself, and went to the sink to wash my hands. The warm water soothing me temporarily.

We had one final day here. Then we would be leaving for the lake house tomorrow. My parents decided to get over their petty anger, and help us with the move. After convincing her Ace and I were getting married... which we weren't. At least not now anyways.

Skye insisted she live with us for a while, too. Just for the summer. Her family thinks she's traveling the world for a school research project. Thankfully, they believed her, and don't bother calling anymore.

"Danny, did you fall in? What's going on?" Ace asked worriedly.

"One sec!" I responded, drying my hands and walking out the door. He beamed as I walked out, tapping his finger against his phone screen. My eyes widened in shock after realizing it was 8:57. Class started at 9 and it was all the way aross campus.

I sprinted passed him, clasping onto Ace's hand so he could keep up. The warm summer air bit at our skin as we dashed to the lecture hall, wary of the clock running down.



We cut through the grass and manevaured around the early risers, my stamina decreasing rapidly. I slowed down, allowing Ace to give me a piggy back ride.

"No hard feelings if you can't carry my big, fat body, babe." I panted, ruffling the hair on top of his head.

"You're light as a feather" He grunted, swinging open the doors to the building. As soon as we entered the classroom, he placed me down, putting his hands on his knees to catch his breath. The students payed us no attention, scrolling through their phones and socializing with each other.

"How are my two favourite students?" Mr. Lamder greeted, walking over to us.

"I thought it was an important lecture day today. You sent an email out and everything. We rushed to get in here on time and-" He held up his hand, interrupting me. I quirked a brow, confused by this interaction. Our professor never cared his students.

"I only said that to get you here on time. You have the highest grade in this class, and I just wanted to congratulate you on your success. Obviously, I'm not the warmest teacher, but you impressed me... inspired me, even. Your impeccable writing had me emailing some of my colleagues, and I know you decided to take a year off, so during that year, if you want... I'll teach you online courses. They would be completely free of charge. Just an act of kindness. You're incredibly talented, Ms. Accola, and I'd prefer it if you'd stick with it." He clapped his hands together, staring at me hopefully.

"Seriously? You'd do that?" I choked out, biting on my nail to stop the tears from flowing. This is the perfect opportunity. Ace's arm snaked around my waist, pulling me in tightly.

"Of course. Anything for a fellow writer." He winked, causing me to blush. I nodded vigorously, escaping Ace's hold to give Mr. Lamder a hug.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you" I whispered.

"You guys don't have to stay. Go pack, get on with your lives. I'll email you the details, Danny." He said as we pulled away. I looked at Ace, who smiled toothily.

"How did you know we were-?"

"Pregnant? Ask your soulmate... we'll keep in touch, yeah?" He directed the question towards Ace, who just nodded. My mind buzzed with activity, questions and more questions swam consistently.

"Wha... how... wh-" I stammered, walking out the doors of the classroom. Ace took my hand, interlocking our fingers.

"I made a few calls." He shrugged, sitting under a tree. He spread his legs, letting me rest between them, and I leaned my back against his chest. The fresh summer breeze waded through my long, silky hair, swinging it from side to side. The budded trees captured the elegance of the campus, bringing beauty to the old, run- down buildings. I sighed, shutting my eyes. Ace's steady heartbeat making me sleepy. He ran his calloused fingers over my stomach, relieving some of the cramps that decided to surface.

"You know, Mr. Lamder called us soulmates." I mumbled, placing my hand on his.

"I believe it, love. I believe it."

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