Chapter Twenty

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"That's impossible" I cried, wrapping my fingers with Ace's. Skye just shook her head and giggled, sitting on the chair next to the bed.

"Actually, from what I've heard you guys never used protection. Which was incredibly stupid by the way, because now you're knocked up. That's what the blood test said. And blood doesn't lie."

"But I'm a sophomore in college. I can't-" I trailed off, sobbing hard. Ace circled his thumb on my palm, and kissed my temple, offering me a small amount of comfort.

"love, take a deep breath. I'm here, I'm right here." He whispered, gingerly lifting me up bridal style, and cradling me on his lap. I coiled my arms around his neck, burying my head in the crook of his neck. "I have you, I've got you. I swear to god I'm never leaving you. No matter what" I inhaled his intoxicating scent, making me feel at home. After a while, my heart rate slowed, and breathing returned to normal, finally calming down. Wires and tubes stuck out of me everywhere, but Ace didn't seem to mind, continuing to hold me close. Skye kept quiet, watching Ace rock me back and forth in the chair.

"Tell me what happened with Alexander" I whispered, shutting my eyes. He tensed momentarily but soon relaxed, brushing a strand of hair out of my face.

"He's gone, Danny. He's gone. You don't have to worry about him ever again."

"But what happened...I need closure. I need to know."I demanded, fisting his shirt. He gulped and I noticed his adam's apple bob in nervousness.

"When I saw him... hurting you, I couldn't... I was completely fueled by rage. I literally blacked out... and the next thing I knew we were on the ground, and I was smashing his head against the floor. He was dead in seconds, Danny." He muttered the last part so quickly, I almost didn't hear it. But I did. They watched me as I laughed hysterically, attracting the attention of some of the nurses walking by.

"h-he's actually dead?" I managed out between spouts of giggles. They just stared incredulously, and soon began to laugh along. "Wait... so does that mean you're going to jail? I mean... you murdered Alexander"

When I began to cry, Skye walked over to us, rubbing my back soothingly. My body shook from my powerful sobs.

"Babe, he know's all the cops here. They chalked it down as self defense. Don't stress... okay you're scaring me, what are you doing?" She asked, realizing I had gone completely silent. My heart rate monitor beeped steadily, creating a calming atmosphere. I wanted to bask in the feeling of safety, in Ace's warmth, and the support my favorite people were giving me. Though I was in an unfortunate situation, I had a loving boyfriend and an extremely loyal and supportive best friend. Taking care of this baby would be hard... but not impossible.

"I'm just... content." I said finally, shutting my eyes as Ace kissed my forehead.

"Sleep, Love. We'll talk more tomorrow."

3 weeks later

"Damnit!" I shouted, pounding my fist on the table. "How are you so fucking lucky!"

"Not luck, just pure skill" Ace chuckled, taking the last of my money. I had gone bankrupt for the 3rd time that night. Monopoly was definitely not my game.

"Roll the dice, Skye" I spat bitterly, launching the die in her direction. She stuck her tongue out at me, taking the cubes and rolling doubles. My mouth hung open as they roared with laughter. She had landed on the last railroad, meaning she now owned all four.

"I'm done. You guys suck." I whined, crossing my arm over my chest, and spinning around so my back was towards them.

"You are way too competitive, love" Ace commented, his fingers brushing my shoulder. The light touch made my core throb with desire. We've been abstinent ever since the accident, and I was getting antsy. He was trying to be considerate, but there comes a point where it's just annoying.

I zoned out, recalling the events over the past couple of weeks. After being discharged from the hospital, Ace took me back to his house, making sure I healed properly. My injuries consisted of three broken ribs, a fractured cheekbone, two black eyes, a broken nose, and lastly, my eardrums were ruptured, and I had about 75% of my hearing back. So basically, I looked, and felt like shit. But I was also pregnant, and thankfully the fetus survived the violent attack. Although I didn't want a kid, the thought of having a mini Ace running around made my heart swell, and I couldn't think of anyone else I'd want to have a baby with. As you can imagine, my parents weren't too happy when we told them.

Well, they practically disowned me. But I didn't expect any less.

Ace and I decided I'd take a year off from school, keeping myself healthy for the sake of our baby. He already had a job waiting for him, so financially, we were stable... for a long time. I mean Ace was rich. But the money didn't matter to me... it never mattered.

"Earth to Danny? Hellooo?" He taunted, waving his hands in front of my face.

"Huh? What?" I stammered, standing up to take my medication.

"We're watching a movie now, Monopoly get's tedious after a while... well... I guess you'd never know how that feels." He teased, following me to the bathroom. I rolled my eyes and suppressed a smile.

"Skye's ordering food then?" I asked, swollowing the pain meds. Ace winced as he watched me, stepping over to hug me from behind.


"Great... I'm picking the movie" He groaned and spun me around, clasping his lips onto mine in a harsh kiss. I moaned softly as he massaged my tongue with his, hurriedly kneading my ass.

"God, I missed this" I panted as we broke away. Ace nibbled on his lip sexily, then bent down to add soft, wet kisses to the crook of my neck. My nipples peaked through my bra as I shivered in delight. He suddenly stopped, gazing at me with apprehension.

"Can you... erm... are you... " He studdered, our fingers meshing together immediately. I knew exactly what he was getting at, and nodded vigorously.

"YES! FINALLY YES!" I screamed, and he picked me up effortlessley, sprinting to the bedroom. My wounds were almost fully healed, and I got the "OK" for sex a week ago, but Ace refrained just to be safe. So these last few weeks have been torturous, to say the least. It didn't help knowing he was sleeping next to me every night, half naked, wanting me as bad as I wanted him. Ace was so, incredibly addictive.

He placed me gently on the bed, and was naked in a blink of an eye. My mouth watered as he stood confidently, showing off his erect cock. I moaned at the sight, following his lead, and stripping off my garments. I breathed heavily in anticipation, watching him crawl onto the bed devastingly slow. His muscular chest rippled with every movement, making my heart race. He was perfection.

I let my head fall into the mattress as Ace grasped onto my knees and yanked me closer to him, my back gliding across the sheets. He pressed the tip of his cock into my entrance, earning another groan of pleasure. I rested my legs on his shoulders, waiting for him to slam into me.

"Please... I need you..." I whispered, wiggling my hips shamelessly in order to be filled more. Ace grunted and pressed his thumb to my clit. I gasped sharply, sucking in a breath as he slowly stretched my walls. We moaned in unision, and I trembled with overwhelming pleasure.

"Holy... fuuuuck" He drawled, kissing the side of my calf. This would be over soon, I was already losing it and we've just started. With each, patronizingly sluggish thrust, I felt the knot in my stomach slowly untangle, sending me closer to a climax.

"Ace" I cried, bucking my hips as he caressed my knob rapidly. Tears welled in my eyes at the powerful sensations sprouting from my core. I was dizzy with pleasure.

"Say my name again" He muttered, and I furrowed my brows as my orgasm blew through me. It was so forceful, I almost passed out. My walls clenched around him as I screamed his name again.


He groaned and, with one final thrust, released his hot cum within me.

"This is definitely the orgasm talking... but I love you" I muttered, planting kisses all over his face. He chuckled and crashed into the mattress, pulling me impossibly close.

"I love you too... not the orgasm talking"

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