Chapter Five

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"Um... we really should be working on our project Ace" I tried to say, using my arms to shove at his chest. He didn't budge, gliding his hands under my hoodie and sensually trailing them up towards my breasts. "Ace please get off..." I breathed out, he reached my chest, cupping my breasts and he twirled my nipples in between his fingers. I let out a soft moan, closing my eyes to savor the feeling.

"Is that what you really want, love? Are you sure you don't want me to fuck you?" Ace whispered into my ear, his deep voice sent shivers through my body. I took a deep breath, trying to compose myself.

"Y...yes. Yes, I'm sure. Now please get off of me." I muttered shakily, and he backed away with his hands up. I stared at him panting heavily while he just smirked. "Stay here, I'm going to take a shower. It'll only be 10 minutes. Try not to cause trouble." I murmured and walked into my bedroom. Skye slipped in there when Ace and I were...busy, so when I came in she was dancing half-naked on her bed with her headphones on. My eyes widened as I watched her twerk. I threw a pillow at her and she stopped, spinning around and giving me a harsh glare.

"What the hell are you doing? Are you nuts?!" I whisper-yelled at Skye, going through her dresser and chucking an oversized sweatshirt at her.

"I am dancing. You took over the living room and I really don't want to hear the sex noises you make. This was the alternative." She shrugged and continued rocking her body. I rolled my eyes and swiftly grabbed my pajamas, which was white athletic shorts and an oversized Tee. I walked back out of the bedroom and noticed Ace propped up against the wall, scrolling through his phone.

"Okay so listen," I started, waiting for him to look up at me before I continued, "This was fun and all, but the only thing I'll be intimate with tonight is a box of tampons... if you catch my drift" I was lying obviously, my period isn't for another two weeks, but he doesn't need to know that. Ace let out a low whistle and sighed.

"You're lying" He paused and I frowned, waiting for him to explain.

"No, I'm not"

"Yes. Yes, you are love." He pushed himself off the wall and stalked closer to me, stopping when we were one foot apart. "You know how I know? No girl wears white shorts on their period... plus... I ate you out earlier today, in case you forgot." My face heated and I groaned internally.

"Oh, shit" I murmured, unaware he heard me.

"Oh, shit is right. I must not have done a good enough job if you've already forgotten. Let me try again Danny. I promise It'll be extraordinary." Ace ripped my pajamas out of my hands and tossed it on the floor. He leaned down and sucked on the soft spot on my neck. I tilted my head to the side to give him better access and whimpered.

"Come on know you want too" He muttered in between kisses, I sighed and finally caved.

"Okay, fine, but we can never talk about this ever again. It's only a one-time thing. I'm serious Ace, no telling-"

"Yeah, yeah, now shut up" He picked me up and brought us to the couch, crushing his lips into mine in a heated kiss. I melted immediately to his touch, sinking my tongue into his mouth as he greedily accepted it. He sat on the sofa, letting me straddle him. Ace tugged at the hem of my sweatshirt, telling me to take it off and I happily obliged, raising my arms as he swiftly pulled it over my head. My breasts spilled out of the clothing and Ace broke the kiss to suck on my nipple. I bit my lip to suppress a moan as he swirled his tongue around my areola.

I started to grind on top of him in need of some friction, feeling his hardness through his blue jeans. My clit ached from lack of attention. Ace grunted and stopped sucking only to rip off my sweatpants. I was suddenly completely naked in front of him and he leaned back, trailing his eyes up and down my body. Feeling heated and self-conscious under his stare, I started to yank off his clothes, beginning with his tight T-shirt. I admired his well-defined abs and traced my finger down to his prominent v-line. His happy trail peeking out through his jeans. I tossed the shirt to the ground and began to unzip him, but abruptly stopped when I felt his fingers gently circle my clit.

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