Chapter Six

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I exhaled deeply as Mom and Dad sat patiently on the sofa Ace and I had sex on 30 minutes before. It was hilarious really, but now wasn't the time to laugh. I paced back and forth, trying to find the right words to explain how I have a 'new boyfriend' already. Dad sat with his elbows on his knees and his hands tossled around in his hair. He was hunched over, trying to process everything.

"So, you're telling me you're dating someone else already?" Dad asked, eyes boring into mine. They always make a big deal out of the smallest inconveniences, but if they actually knew Ace was a one night stand, I'd be 6 feet under.

"Yes, Daddy, but we've known each other since freshman year, we have been friends for a while. He was there for me through my breakup with Alexander. Honestly, I think he's the one." I lied, interlocking my hands and suppressing the urge to gag at my disgusting story.

"Well, hun, in that case, if you're happy, I'm happy. He seems like a fine gentleman" My mother said and my Dad nodded, agreeing. If they only knew. I let out a sigh of relief and walked over to hug them both.

"Thank you, guys." I murmured mid- hug. We all pulled away at the same time and they stood up, about to leave.

"Wait where are you going? Aren't you gonna stay here?" I asked, genuinely confused.

"Oh, no, we booked a hotel, there is no wiggle room in here. We'll see you at dinner tomorrow, I'll text you the address and all that jazz." My Mother said, waving her hand in the air and collecting her purse. We said our goodbyes and as soon as the door shut I heard laughter coming from the bedroom. I charged in there, ready to give Ace a piece of my mind. As I opened the door, him and Skye were watching a movie on her laptop, drinking cans of coca-cola from the mini-fridge.

I fumed in rage speeding up to Ace and slapping him relentlessly in his chest.

"WHY. WOULD. YOU. SAY. THAT. YOU BASTARD. Now we have to go to dinner with them tomorrow night and act like all lovey-dovey. I told them I thought you were the one. Do you understand me? We would be six feet under if I didn't cover your stupid ass!" I scolded as he grinned, making me even angrier.

"Thanks for reminding me why I don't feel guilty that I can't stand you!" I screamed as Skye watched me with wary eyes. I pounced on him, ready to pummel his face, but he caught both my wrists and flipped us over, so I was on the bottom, completely at his mercy. I gulped, my confidence rapidly diminishing.

"Love, calm down, we will go to dinner, act like we are a couple, your parents will leave and everything will go back to normal." He leaned down and whispered in my ear so Skye couldn't hear "Besides, it'll be fun to play with you tomorrow night." I furrowed my brows and looked at him questioningly. He chuckled lowly and sat back down next to Skye, picking me up and putting me on his lap.

"That was so hot," She said in between sips of her soda and I rolled my eyes, scrambling off of him to actually take a shower this time.

"I'll be back in 10," I said and slammed the door, heading to the showers.

My pajamas clung to my body as I trudged back to my dorm. Someone forgot their towel when they were leaving in such a hurry, so now I looked like a sewer rat. Luckily, I decided to grab a sports bra on my way out, which worked in my favor. My athletic shorts and t-shirt were surely see through from the water, and my flip-flops made the most dreadful noise when I took each step.

I barged into my dorm, focused on changing into warm clothes, and rushed straight to the bedroom.

"Holy shit babe, you need to see this mov- why do you look like you just-"

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