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6 Months Later

The blinding stage-lights shone across the entirety of the room, disabling my eyesight temporarily. I squinted, trying to focus on the overexcited interviewer. Her happy persona made me want to vomit, but I had to keep the "Nice" facade going, or my manager would have my head.

The crowd clapped as we came back from the commercial break, and I crossed my legs, taking a deep, calming breath. I'd been on other shows before, making it on news stations all across the country, but every time my anxiety skyrocketed.

Even Ellen Degeneres was a huge fan of my work. Regardless, it didn't help with my nerves. Ace claimed it was the pregnancy hormones, which earned him a slap upside the head. He was very supportive over these passed months, holding my hair back as I had morning sickness, driving to the nearest fast-food chains in the middle of the night when I had cravings.

When I had gotten Braxton-Hicks contractions last month though, his chill demeanor changed into a complete freakout. We rushed to the hospital in pajamas and forgot the overnight bag in the kitchen. Needless to say, we were very unprepared.

Now he's carrying the damn thing everywhere... ready for everything. I eyed the front row, noticing Ace smiling proudly as the spunky interviewer began to introduce me.

"Welcome back to Talk, Talk, Talk ladies and gentlemen! I'm your host Jain Romano and today we are here, with New York Times bestselling author, Danny Accola!"

The audience applauded again, and I scanned over them, waving and grinning politely. Ace was the loudest, sending a loud whistle that echoed throughout the large area. I rolled my eyes, shooting him a death glare, which only made him louder.

"Hi, It's so awesome to finally meet you!" Jain laughed, shaking my hand vigorously.

"Same to you" I smiled, internally screaming with annoyance.

"So Danny... let's get right into it, shall we?" she beamed, organizing her question cards.

"Yeah, of course" I responded, which quieted the crowd. I shifted slightly in my seat, feeling a sharp pain erupt from my belly.

"First of all, I'd just like the say I am such a fan of your books. They are so passionate and... descriptive... and hot! I think I speak for all the ladies out there when I say you are so incredibly, talented!"

There were whoops from some of the fans, which made me giggle. But another sharp pain shot through my stomach, and I bit the side of my cheek to keep from crying out.

"Anyways, what's in like being so young, yet so successful?" She reached out and took a sip of her water while the question baked in my mind.

"Well... erm... It's honestly a dream come true. I'd always wanted to become a writer, and having so many people... especially my family," I stole a quick glance at Ace, who winked and mouthed the words 'I love you'. I bit my lip before continuing "... support me, and stick by my side through everything was... amazing"

Jain smiled, and nodded approvingly, before flipping her card and asked another question.

"So obviously we all know your pregnant, and you look absolutely gorgeous by the way, but can you tell us how that happened... and who that sexy man is over there who is staring at you with puppy- dog eyes?"

The audience broke out in laughter, and I plastered on a fake grin, jelousy spiking through me. Did she really just call Ace sexy right in front of me?

"That's my fiance, Ace Mitchell." I took a long pause before continuing, watching her face fall. "We met during my sophomore year in college. At first, we hated each other..." I turned my head towards him, my heart swelling when he blew me a kiss. "... Well, long story short, now we're spending the rest of our lives together, with a baby on the way"

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