Chapter Twenty- One

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"Are you guys done fucking? The pizza's here!" Skye called from the kitchen. Ace groaned, shooting me a sad smile. He kissed my brow and stood, tugging on some boxers. I tossed one of his tees over my head and took his hand, walking us out into the living room.

"I'm picking the movie" I grumbled, yanking the remote out of Skye's hand. She shrugged and continued chomping on a pizza slice, occasionally sipping from a beer bottle. Ace pulled me onto his lap, hooking his arms around my waist to keep me close. We snuggled under a small quilt, feeding each other bites of the fast food.

I finally decided on watching 365 days. I'd never seen it, and Skye insisted that we do. Claiming it was 'super romantic'. Ace couldn't stop laughing at her recommendation, so I thought, what the hell!

Now I know that was a big mistake... a very big mistake.

After the guy forced a stewardess to give him a blowjob on a plane... and water spewing out of my nose soon after, I shut the TV off immediately.

"Really guys?" I managed in between coughs. They laughed hysterically, shaking uncontrollably.

Suddenly, Ace's phone rang obnoxiously, sending us into a quiet state. He reached for it on the coffee table, smiling as he pressed the accept call button.

"Hey" He greeted, squeezing my thigh reassuringly. His face fell abruptly, and his body tensed. "You're kidding... well, damn... alright, thank you, I appreciate it... okay bye." He sighed heavily, throwing the phone across the room. I jumped when it collided with a bookshelf, making a loud cracking sound.

"Hey... what happened?" I asked, rubbing soothing circles on his bare back.

"The house is gone" He mumbled incoherently. I looked at Skye, who seemed just as confused as I was.

"What do you mean, babe?"

"The house. Our house." Ace sighed, tears welling in his eyes. Seeing him sad made me want to cry, mostly because I was extremely hormonal. He kept mumbling gibberish and I tried to understand, but I couldn't. After a while he finally looked me in the eye, speaking clear as day.

"I bought a house for us, not too far from here. It was a Lake house... it was perfect. But the offer fell through. I know how much you hate this house now... after the incident. And because we're having a baby... I really wanted to make this special. And now it's all fucked up." He explained, leaving my heart soaring. I hugged him tightly, tears welling in my eyes.

"You did that for me?" I rasped out, resting my head on his shoulder.

"Of course. I love you, Dan. I'd do anything for you. But it doesn't even matter now, we can't get it" He sighed, planting kisses in my hair.

"It's alright. Hey, don't worry about it. Let's go to bed, yeah? Then tomorrow we head back to the dorms, finish the year, then take a year off together. It'll be alright, I'll get over it" I reasoned, and he nodded, heading towards the bedroom. "I'll meet you there in a second" I called as Ace gently shut the door.

Skye glared at me, anger bubbling at the surface.

"YOU HAVEN'T TOLD HIM" She whispered yelled, causing me to giggle. Popcorn kernels flew at my face as she chucked them with all her might. "STUPID, HE'S ALL UPSET NOW!!!"

"Shhhhh, you'll wake him up." I laughed, sprinting into the kitchen. She chased after me, a trail of food particles following.

"Wait a second, let's all take a bit to relax. I just want to see if I get this correctly. He thinks that the offer to the house fell through, but you actually bought it for a higher price? You guys had no idea because you were going to surprise each other? Am I right?" She spat out, eye twitching with fury. I bit my lip and suppressed chuckles, quickly slipping into Ace's bedroom. I heard a glass shatter from the other side, and broke into a fit of laughter.

"What's going on?" He smiled, sitting up on the bed. I jumped up in excitement, tackling him onto the mattress.

"I love you," I started, giving him a bear hug. "And... I got the house... tha lake house. I was the person that bought it for a higher price!" He gawked at me, and I cocked my head to the side, kissing his jawline.

"How... how can you afford it?" He whispered, his minty breath fanning across my cheek.

"I used all my savings... and the college money"

"Dan, you know I'm rich... why would you-"

"Shhhh. Just pay me back. But think... we're going to live in a lakehouse." I said, pressing my lips against his.

"We're going to live in a lakehouse" Ace mumbled happily, tugging me into his chest. A big toothy smile broke out across his mouth, demolishing any doubts I had.

"Goodnight, Love"

"Goodnight, Ace"

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