Chapter Thirteen

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I stepped down the staircase, wiping away the tears that stained my cheeks. Peeking over the banister, I noticed Alexander smoking a cigarette on the couch, slouching with his legs spread. My heart raced with fear. Pure fear. He's been over every day this week... and every day he's abused me.

"Danielle. Come here. Now." He roared angrily, smashing the bud of the cigarette into an ash tray. I took a deep breath and climbed down the stairs, approaching his relaxed state. Alexander watched with hooded eyes, igniting panic within me.

"Xander, p-please d-don't-" My hands trembled as I hid them behind my back, only stopping because of the unadulterated rage clouding his features.

"What the fuck are you wearing?" He stood up, towering over me. I eyed his clenched fists, stepping back slowly. My sundress was perfect, and not at all revealing. It went to just below my knees. Maybe he was referring to the spaghetti straps. I gulped, letting a single tear escape my swollen eyelids.

Mom and Dad were on vacation this week, so no one was here to save me from Xander's painful blows. He trailed his finger over my chest, grasped onto my straps, and tugged me against his chest. I suppressed my sobs, only letting my lips quiver. He was not getting the satisfaction of seeing me cry.

"Didn't I tell you yesterday to not dress like a whore?" Alexander whispered inches away from my face, his breath reeked of alcohol and cigarette smoke. My nostrils flared, and I fumed with rage and frustration, suddenly getting enough confidence to fight back.

"Get your paws off me, bitch!" I spat, bringing my hand to his face, smashing it hard into his cheek. The loud slap echoed through the house, and I instantly regretted my actions. He sucked on his teeth, and tilted his head side to side, cracking his neck. Suddenly Xander wrapped his large hands around my neck, preventing any air from coming in or out. I scratched at his wrists, pleading with my eyes for him to let go. Black dots began to blur my vision, and my limbs started to go limp.

"Don't give me that look, slut! Never hit me again, or next time there will be severe consequences!" Xander's voice boomed, and he let me go abruptly, dropping my lifeless body to the ground. His foot connected with my ribs, and I gasped for air, hoping to get more oxygen to fill my lungs before I passed out. "My brother will rest easily knowing women like you are being dealt with". This was the last thing I heard before he knelt over me, and bashed my face with his fists.

I stared absentmindedly at the front door of Ace's mansion, the memory of Alexander's last episode flooding my thoughts. It's been 6 hours since I last saw Ace, and although I was completely and utterly overwhelmed by his confession, my body needed him. Like a moth drawn to a flame. I needed his comfort, his warm embrace... just him.

I mustered up the courage to knock, crossing my arms over my chest as the cool air bit at my skin. I spent the 6 hours alone walking the town, admiring the old architecture. It really was beautiful here. Leaving it would be difficult.

Lights switched on through the house, and his quick footfalls were loud and clear. I couldn't help the small smile that tugged on my lips as the door swung open. Ace's shaggy hair spiked in all directions, and his usual playful expression replaced with worry. He was wearing a black bathrobe, and had his phone in hand.

"Hi" I whispered, a lump forming in my throat. I wanted to cry because of the excruciating pain Alexander put me through. I wanted cry to because Ace loved me. I wanted to cry because the universe is so. So. Incredibly. Cruel. But I held it in, bracing for the lecture he was about to give me.

"Where have you been! I called Skye, and your parents, and all your friends! Do you have any idea how fucking worried I was?! I mean Jesus Christ Dan! I thought you were dead! I thou-"

I smashed my lips into his, wrapping my arms around his neck. He froze, but soon kissed with as much urgency as I was, walking us backwards and kicking the door closed with his foot. His tongue swiped my lips, entering my mouth, and I moaned, breaking the kiss before it got too intense. We panted and stared at each other, his eyes swirling with confusion. I framed his face with small hands, directing his attention so he was completely focused on me.

"I'm okay, I'm going to be okay. I am so sorry for worrying you," I paused inhaling shakily. "I just needed time. I was flustered, and now I know. Being with you has made me the happiest I've been in years. You lit up a part of me I never thought could ever be ignited again. And for that, I am eternally grateful." Ace gazed at me lovingly, tears welling in his eyes. " After Alexander, I was broken, left to pick up the shattered pieces of my heart... alone. And when I met you, even when you were an asshole, it was so... refreshing. It was like coming up for for fresh air, like I was drowning and you saved me. I've learned so much from being with you. I've learned what's broken can be mended. I've learned what's hurt can be healed, and no matter how dark it get's, the sun's going to rise again. So, in conclusion..." I gave Ace a quick, hard kiss on the mouth, then pulled away, grinning from ear to ear. "Baby, I love you too"

He laughed heartily, and took me in a heart- warming embrace. I hugged him back tightly, crying happily.

"Love, I have become so addicted to you, that I don't even know what to do with myself when you're not around. Hell, you were gone for only a few hours and I felt like a stray dog." I giggled and he wiped away my tears with the pad of his thumb. "I always had my mind set on ruling the world by myself one day. But now... now I can't even imagine being a King, without you as my Queen." Ace picked me up, and I straddled his waist, burying my head in the crook of his neck. "What I'm trying to say is... I love you. I love you so much it hurts."

"I guess we're both hopelessly in love" I whispered, kissing his neck.

"I guess so"

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