Chapter Twelve

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Danny's face clouded with disbelief, and I could sense anger bubbling at the surface. She was practically bursting at the seams.

"You prick! I can't believe you! Ugh, to think for a second-"

"Love" I interrupted her, steam practically spewing out of her ears. It took all of my self-control not to laugh at her anger. Danny sighed, her lips pressed together in irritation, waiting for me to explain.

"It's an eye for an eye. You can either do this or, I'll send the video of the wet dream to your Dad." It was a dick move, and I know that, but this was just too good of an opportunity to pass up. Her beautiful face contorted with rage, and she stomped out of the car, without a word, making a beeline towards the entrance of Adam and Eve. I smiled victoriously, placing my sunglasses on the bridge of my nose, and hopped out of the car.

"Hey, if you want I'll even buy you a toy of your choice" I called after her, and she flipped me off, opening the door to the adult store. I chuckled to myself, following her lead. The cool air conditioning encased my body as I entered the shop, sending relief from the warm sun.

"Ace of spades!" A familiar voice filtered through my ears, and I turned to the sound, seeing my childhood best friend dropping boxes of dildos and sprinting towards me. Anne's tiny body tackled me to the ground, hugging my tall frame.

"Anne of Greene Gables!" I laughed at our nicknames for each other.

"Holy hell! I haven't seen you in town since last year. What on earth brings you back?" She paused, helping me stand back up, then frowned. "Wait a second... why are you at a sex toy store?" Her puzzled expression earned a soft chuckle out of me. I winced in pain as I stood, my injury from before still not completely healed. "Oh my gosh? Are you okay?"

"He's fine" Danny walked up to me and smiled fakely, winked and hugged Anne. "I'm Danny, Ace's... friend." I cringed at the title she had given me. We've gotten so close this past week, and sure I was an ass today, but I thought we were more then friends. At least, I wanted to be.

"Oh, so nice to meet you! I'm guessing you're the reason he's come back to town?" Anne asked, giving me her famous 'don't mess this up or I'll stab you" face. Danny raised a brow at me, confused, and I panicked, trying to cover up Anne's mistake.

"Um, Dan, go wait in the dressing rooms I'll be there with your outfits in a few" I was grasping at straws here, knowing she is too damn stubborn to let that command slide.

"Excuse me?" Danny sucked her teeth, breaking away from the hug, and glared at me. "If you want a submissive housewife, build a time machine and go back to the '50s cause you're not getting that here. "

Anne shook her head in disappointment, smile tugging at her lips. I sighed, running my fingers through my hair.

"Love, you know I didn't mean it to sound like that." Her backbone is one of the things I love about her... and hate at the same time.

"Yeah, right." She rolled her eyes and began walking to the dressing rooms. "I'm only going back here because I don't want that video leaked! Not because you told me to!" Danny called from the back, and I smiled softly. Anne tilted her head, hands on her hips, ready to give me a piece of her mind. I rolled my eyes, strolling to the lingerie section.

"You are such an asshole! That girl is awesome, and you're manipulating her! Seriously Ace?!" She slapped my shoulder multiple times, ruining my ears with her high pitched yelling. "I mean, she is gorgeous and I can tell you like her... a lot. Why are you blackmailing her into hanging out with you? I've known you for so long and you still can't even-"

"Anne, shut-up! Do you think I don't know how much I don't deserve her. Danny is perfect, and you continuing to nail that into my brain doesn't help me!" I sighed, closing my eyes in frustration.

"If you know how amazing she is, then why don't you tell her, Ace. Danny deserves to know how you feel!" Anne have me a stern look, furrowing her brows.

"She's been through a lot Anne! I'm not going to confess my sappy feelings to her yet!"

"Then tell me how you feel, asshole! if she doesn't get to know, then I want to!" Anne pushed on my chest, knocking me back a couple feet. "You are so stupid sometimes!!!! God, I can't believe you right now! Just tell me-"

"I LOVE HER OKAY?" I yelled, and she went silent, her face flushed. She eyed the wall behind me. I spun around and found Danny, tears welling in her deep blue orbs.

Danny (10 minutes before)

I stomped to the dressing rooms, sitting in one of the comfortable chairs. I was livid. Ace has been playing my heartstrings like a professional musician, and now is acting like he owns me. I am not a welcome mat he can walk all over, I'm a strong women. Why is he being such a jerk? Maybe I was being over dramatic, but I can't handle any of his... behaviors today. With Alexander back in town, I just needed a good friend to comfort me. Not an ass who can't control himself. And then his "Friend". She was incredibly nice, don't get me wrong, but my jealousy kicked into overdrive as soon as I saw them hugging. Anne is sweet and all, but Ace is mine.

I cringed at my jealousy. Is this what he's turned me into? A bitchy person with no filter and dramatic reactions to everything? The thought of someone else loving him as much as I do hurt. Physically and mentally.

Suddenly, I heard their muffled voices grow louder, and I stalked closer to tune into the conversation.

"Anne, shut-up! Do you think I don't know how much I don't deserve her. I know Danny is perfect, and you continuing to nail that into my brain doesn't help me!" Ace's voice was strained, and I swooned at the comment. Does he feel the same way? I walked closer, his back was turned towards me.

"If you know how amazing she is, then why don't you tell her, Ace. Danny deserves to know how you feel! You are so stupid sometimes!!!! God, I can't believe you right now! Just tell me-"


The words knocked me back, and I gasped sharply, tears threatening to fall. I grasped onto the clothing rack next to me, holding myself up. Ace spun around, staring at me, panic clouding his features.

"Danny, I... You weren't supposed to hear that." He took a step towards me, but I backed away, sticking up my palm to stop him.

"No. I'm sorry. I can't-" My voice caught in my throat and I exhaled shakily. My heart ached to hug him, to tell Ace that I felt the same way. But deep down, I felt indifferent. Like he was lying. My mind rejected the idea instantly, it was too good to be true.

"Please, Danny. Talk to me" Ace looked as if he was about to cry. His voice trembled.

Without a second thought, I sprinted out of the shop, and darted to the woods. I needed space. I needed time. And I needed to figure out how I was going to tell Ace that I love him too.

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