Chapter Two

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I audibly gulped when Skye tumbled into the dorm room. Although it was by no means big, we lucked out on the best dorm, it had airconditioning and it was just a little larger than our neighbors. The door had fully- functioning locks too. But that didn't stop Skye from ramming and knocking over almost everything in her path. She was a mess, a human tornado.

Her usual straight, copper brown hair hung in a messy pony-tail, which was completely knotted at the end. Smudged make-up ran down her cheeks, which I scoffed at because she barely wore any. Her dark, chocolate-colored eyes were tinted pink and she was missing an earring. Surprisingly, her actual outfit was perfect. She was sporting a black, ruffle trim mini dress that accentuated all her curves. I was proud of her clothing choice. But it was quickly replaced with disappointment when I looked down to see she didn't have any shoes. I frowned.

"Skye?" I questioned as she collapsed on her bed face first. She groaned into her comforter. Suddenly, she picked her head up and started laughing hysterically. I quirked a brow, grinning at her actions. She swiftly got up and ran, more like hobbled, to me.

"I just had the best sex of my life" She screamed, grasping my shoulders and shaking them aggressively.

"Well that explains why you look like a hobo" I responded dryly. She scoffed and limped over to our mini-fridge. "Why are you hobbling around like an 80-year-old?" I asked, genuinely curious. Skye leaned down to grab a water bottle. As soon as she opened it she scarfed down the whole thing in seconds. My eyes widened in shock. She let out a huge sigh when she finished and walked back to her bed. My eyes followed her every movement.

"I just had the best sex of my life, Danny. I am so. Fucking. Sore." She murmured and collapsed back down to her bed.

"Well at least one of us is getting some" I chuckled and continued to stare at her. "Are you going to explain what happened or...?"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Just....just let me catch my breath." I didn't notice it before, but her breathing was rapid. She was panting like a dog. Wow. I have never seen her this worn out. Waiting for her to control her breathing, I sat up on my own bed, sitting criss-cross with my hands resting on my cheeks, and my elbows propped up on my knees. It was like a child waiting for a bedtime story. I chuckled at my thoughts and stopped when she started to speak. I listened intently.

"Allison and I went to "Ivy", you know the club across town?" I nodded and she continued. "Well, while I went up to the bar to grab our first set of drinks, this really hot guy came up to me and started to hit on me. He said his name was.." She paused, fishing around in her memory for the man's name. I could see the gears turning in her head. It was a good 5 minutes before she remembered. "Oh! Damon! his name was Damon Jones." She said enthusiastically waving her hands in the air. "So we kept flirting back and forth, and I don't remember much after that, just mind-blowing orgasms in the bathroom of a nightclub. Dude, I'm telling you, I must've came at least 7 times. He knows his way around a lady, let me tell ya" She giggles, reminiscing about the day's events.

"You know, you probably contracted 24 types of STD's doing that." I scolded.

"Don't care, it was worth it." She smirked, winked at me, then walked to her dresser to get clean clothes. "I'm going to the showers, Dan" She called as she walked out the door. "Oh, and you should really get laid, maybe it will help with those stories you write. You know? Spark some inspiration. Get on your wild side. Do th-"

"Okay, okay I get it." I interrupted her, turning red from embarrassment. I love Skye, but sometimes she doesn't know when to stop. She has absolutely no filter and a very bubbly personality.

"I'm just saying, you need to be less tense" With that, she left, leaving me to contemplate my life choices.


"Dan...Dan...Danny...Danny Accola!" Skye screamed and slapped me across the face.

"Skye go back to bed, it's only 4" I grumbled half asleep. Burying my face deeper into my pillow.

"No babe, It's 7:50, you have a class in 10 minutes, get your ass out of bed and get movi-" I shot up and rushed to my dresser. Skye continued to ramble on, but I didn't listen, too focused on putting my legs into sweatpants. In record time, I had my teeth brushed, face washed, messy bun somewhat intact, and somehow managed to cover my torso in a large hoodie. Screw bras! I grabbed my book bag and stuffed my laptop in it. I was halfway across campus in 8 minutes, sprinting to Literature. Some people gave me confused looks but I had no time to dwell on it. This is the only time I thank god for my long-ass legs.

I am definitely going to be late, shit shit shit. What the hell was I thinking last night? Why would I stay up so late? Ugh, my day could not get any worse.

Once I made it to the building, I dashed to the area where my classroom is. I lifted my wrist to check the time on my watch, 8:06. "Fuck, Fuck" I breathed as a finally made it to the room. I barged in, resting my hands on my knees and panting heavily.

"Nice of you to join us, Ms. Accola" Mr. Lamder spoke, earning a peal of collective laughter from the class, I was too exhausted to be embarrassed, even with 43 pair of eyes glaring at me.

"I..I'm here. alarm d..did...didn't go off" I managed to say while the class watched me wheeze.

"It's alright, don't hurt yourself, once you calm down please take a seat." The teacher spoke kindly, then continued his lesson. When I finally caught my breath, I stood up and scanned the room for a seat. I finally found the only empty one. Next too-

"Well, shit" I accidentally cursed out loud. The class snickered.

"What was that Ms. Accola?" Mr. Lamder asked.

"Oh, oh nothing" But I knew he heard me. The whole class did.

"Hey love, there's a seat next to me" he spoke innocently. Smirking and patting the open seat.

It was Ace goddamn Mitchell. Well, I guess my day could get worse, a lot worse.

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