Chapter Sixteen

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Aloha readers!! Thank you so much for picking this book! there has been a spike in readers recently and it makes me so excited people chose my story! Just wanted to quickly say THANK YOU! And I'll appreciate it tremendously if you guys commented and liked each chapter, or not, whatever makes you happy! :) Anyways, enjoy this... eventful chapter! (Also, go check out my friend's account, Skye111111!!)

I stared absentmindedly at the road ahead, fiddling with the hem of my dress. Thoughts of the worst possible outcomes wracked my brain, rendering me completely useless at the moment.

"Danny?" Ace broke me from my trance, squeezing my thigh tenderly while focusing on the traffic lights.

"Hm?" I finally responded, shifting in the passenger seat. I watched his brows furrow under his sunglasses, concern washing over his features.

"You know the plan, right?" The soft click of the turn signal sounded, disrupting my train of thought. In all honesty, I had absolutely no idea what the plan was. He had explained it multiple times, but my attention span is god-awful at the moment. Similar to that of a toddler, actually.

"Uh...erm... yea? But can you say it again? Just to make sure I got it down." I said, trying to sound as nonchalant as possible. Ace sighed heavily, obviously frustrated by my horrid listening skills.

"Remember, we have to act like we are completely in love with each other. I made the fake ID's say we have the same last name, meaning we are married. And again, I have the fake rings in the bag" Ace gestured towards the backseat, which cradled a plastic bag filled with equipment. "Then, when we get inside, I'll buy a few drinks and we'll pretend to party so we don't seem suspicious. After about an hour, you'll have to seduce one of the bouncers who guard the basement entrance in order for me to get past 'em. I'll be in the control room disabling the cameras as fast as I can, and will sneak by him discreetly while you distract. I'll grab the money, and meet you in the back of the club. capiche?" Ace waved his hand as he explained the terrible, terrible plan. My mouth hung open in disbelief as a smile tugged at the corner of his lips.

"You're joking, right? I'm not touching another man, Ace. Especially when I'm in a relationship. Besides, I have never been... great at flirting."

He chuckled and relaxed in his seat, one hand propped on the steering wheel, the other inching upwards on my inner thigh.

"Oh I know, but I'm assuming a few drinks will loosen you up. And I came up with the idea, so it's okay. But I'm warning you, if he gets too touchy, I'll kill him." Jealousy laced his tone and I noticed Ace's knuckles turn white in silent fury as he gripped the steering wheel. "Anyway... that outfit is bound to have all men drop to their knees. I have no doubt you'll do fine" I smiled lowly at the comment, my cheeks heating slightly. But I have to admit, I did look hot.

My thigh-length red dress hugged all my curves perfectly, making my hips flare in the sexiest way. Complimented with black high heels, and a light set of jewelry. I brushed on a bit of makeup, making my bright blue eyes pop. My long, blonde hair fell in loose curls across my upper back, completing the club look. It was beautiful... and slightly slutty. I glanced at Ace, examining his outfit. He sported loose dark jeans and a plain white tee, hidden by a black leather jacket. His hair was tossed in all directions as usual. I remember teasing him about how he dressed like a greaser before we left. He didn't think it was funny and just walked out of the house. But, as always, Ace was sexy as hell.

Before losing Alexander to depression, I used to admire his fashion and physique. Just the way he walked had me drooling, and his mesmerizing, raspy voice did a number on me. Although, the thought of him now makes me nauseous. I also used to love his laugh and the cute snort that escaped him after he couldn't breathe. His mere grin would make me weak in the knees. Funny how memories work... even after Alexander's abuse, the good moments always seem to overcome all the bad ones. The thing is though, what I feel towards Ace, is so much more... intense. I loved Alexander, but I love Ace so, so, so much more. Maybe it's toxic, maybe it's meant to be, but one thing's for sure... his crazy matches mine.

"I keep losing you, what's going on in that pretty little head of yours?" He asked, spinning the steering wheel and pulling into a parking space in front of the club.

"Just thinking" I replied, grinning softly.

"About?" He pressed, turning the key to switch off the car engine.

"You" I smiled, leaning in to peck his full lips. "Ready to go have some fun" I whispered into his ear, unbuckling our seatbelts, and walking out of the car. Ace's blissful laugh warmed my heart, washing away any extra thought of Alexander. Walking up to the bouncer, we interlocked our fingers and I rested my body against him lovingly, placing my free hand over his chest.

"Hey" Ace greeted, flashing the cards at the intimidating bouncer. Weirdly enough, he stepped aside, opening the door immediately for us to enter the club. I didn't have time to dwell on it, becoming completely overwhelmed by the multicolored strobe lights and music blasting on the speakers. Ace clasped onto my hand tightly, maneuvering me through the maze of sweaty, wasted bodies.

"Two Tequila shots, please! Keep them coming" Ace yelled over the music to the bartender. I shot him a glare, kicking him in the shin.


"You better be prepared to carry me out, there isn't a chance we are leaving with my sobriety intact," I yelled, downing the first two shots the bartender placed in front of us. The liquid burned my throat as I swallowed, causing goosebumps to erupt upon my skin. Ace just stared in shock, admiration evident on his face. I scrunched my nose, slapping my tongue against the roof of my mouth. "That's disgusting... but I love it! Come on, bartender! Next round please" I banged on the counter, trying to get his attention. Wow, alcohol really does make you courageous, I guess that's why they call it liquid courage. I giggled at my thought, earning a questioning look from my partner.

"You know the lion... from the Wizard of Oz?" I started, standing up and plopping back down on Ace's lap. He nodded and chuckled softly, brushing the hairs that fell across my face, and wrapping his hands around my bottom to ensure I didn't fall. "Well, h-he could've solved that c-courage problem with a few shots of T-tequila. That's why they call it liquid courage!"I slurred, taking another shot. Before I could grab another, Ace stopped me, putting it back down, and gave me a stern look. "Whyyyyyy" I pouted, trying to give him my best puppy-dog eyes. All he did was smirk and kiss my cheek.

"You know what makes you so remarkable?" He asked, and I giggled, shrugging my shoulders. "I've never seen anyone get drunk as fast as you. You're such a lightweight!"

I squinted my eyes, to the point where I almost couldn't see, and furrowed my brows, trying to look angry. "Well, you're a... a..." I trailed off, getting drawn to the attention of someone on the dance floor. "Ohhhh, let's go dance!" I sang, dragging him over to the cluster of bodies.

"Danny, you are quite the drunk" Ace called, grabbing my hips and twirled me around. He held onto my waist as I swayed my hips to the beat of the music. I raised my arms and waved them around, stroking Ace's chest every so often. My ass brushed against his crotch involuntarily, and I giggled, feeling his hard-on.

"Love" Ace warned, digging his fingers into my hip. "Don't"

"Or what?" I challenged. I felt his body bend down, and his mouth grazed the tip if my ear.

"Or there will be consequences" Ace whispered. My panties dampened at the comment, and I moaned impulsively.

"Try me"

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