Chapter Fourteen

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Our naked limbs were intertwined with each other, tangled in the bed sheets. After the emotional confession, we couldn't keep our hands off each other. So, the night ended in very passionate sex.

Ace was on his stomach, drool spilling out of his mouth. I giggled and leaned in, kissing his forehead. His back rippled as he stirred, eyes opening gradually. I trailed my finger across his hard chest, drawing circles in his abs.

"Good morning" His sexy morning voice breaking the peaceful silence.

"Sure is" I smiled, softly pressing my lips into his. He pulled me into a tight embrace, resting his head against mine.


"Hmm?" He mumbled, shutting his eyes.

"Wanna do something epic?" I questioned, smiling softly. He opened his eyes wide and propped himself up on his forearms, glaring at me mischievously.

"I'm intrigued" He murmured, brushing away the hair that fell across my face. I grinned, and swiftly rolled on top of him, pinning his arms above his head. Ace's shocked expression caused me to erupt into laughter, and I leaned down to bite his earlobe.

"Don't be so surprised... love" I whispered, sensing his body shiver under me. "Let me make you feel as amazing as you make me feel"

I grabbed the bed sheets, and tied them to his wrists, attaching the other end to the headboard. Ace groaned as I shifted on top of him, skimming his stiff cock. I trailed kisses down his toned abdomen, agonizingly slow. Placing myself between his legs, I gently took hold of his erect member, stroking it steadily. Ace bucked his hips and grunted lowly staring at me through hooded eyes.

"Love, you don't have to-"

"I want to" I responded, leaning over and wrapping my lips around his impressive cock. Gazing at him through thick lashes, I bobbed my head up and down watching his eyes roll in the back of his head.

"Oh, Fuck" He cursed, thrusting his hips to match my rhythm. Heat pooled between my legs at his reaction, and my heart beat erratically from his appreciation. I hollowed my cheeks and bobbed faster, taking his entire length down my throat. I choked softly, and the vibrations sent him into another cursing spree. My hand traveled to his balls, massaging them tenderly.

"Danny" Ace warned, telling me if I didn't stop soon, he was going to cum. But instead, my hand traveled to his balls, massaging them tenderly, and I moaned loudly... sending him over the edge. His hot seed shot into my mouth, and I swallowed it graciously. I let go of his cock with popping sound, licking the cum that dripped down his length. I wiped the drool from my mouth with the back of my hand. We both panted heavily, and he gazed at me, pure desire swirling in his eyes.

"God, you're gorgeous" Ace admired, adjusting his wrists under my makeshift handcuffs. Crawling over him, I started untie the sheets, when another idea sprouted in my mind.

"You know what?" I started, grinning evilly and walked to the en-suite bathroom. "I'm gonna take a shower. You're okay here, right?"

Ace growled and I laughed, leaving the door wide open and turning on the hot water. I was already naked, so there was no need to strip. Making sure he got a good view, I lathered on soap, sexily swaying my hips as I hummed a random tune.

"Danny get your ass over here and untie me now!" Ace roared, struggling under the binds. I giggled and continued singing, washing off the suds from my body. Suddenly, there was a loud crack, and I spun around, gawking at what he did. The headboard was completely ripped off from the bed, and Ace was standing, yanking the sheets off his wrists successfully.

"Bastard! Now where are we gonna sleep!" I scolded, crossing my arms over my chest, letting the water cascade down my scorched skin. Ace stalked closer to me, visibly fuming in rage. Well, shit. "Whoa, whoa, whoa, babe, let's think about this" I reasoned hiding behind the shower curtain. "How about we take a deep breath, and-"

"Bold move, Danny. I mean really, bravo. keeping me tied to the headboard? Especially when I want to fuck you to oblivion. Smart." His melodic voice echoed through the large bathroom. I shivered at Ace's words, eyeing his very erect cock. "So... I'm going to give you two choices. One..." He held up a finger, coming closer to the shower. "You get your ass out of there, and let me make love to you, or..." He slid open the curtain roughly, licking his lips and held up a second finger, "Or I'll jump in myself and fuck you the way I want... what's it gonna be?"

I grinned, standing my ground, watching him eye me with curiosity.

"Suit yourself" Ace chuckled and walked in, pulling me into a bruising kiss. A muffled moan escaped me, and I brought my hand to his girth, stroking lightly. "Ah, ah, ah! My turn" He grunted, lifting me up by my legs. I wrapped them around his waist, resting my head against the wall. My pussy clenched as his member teased my slick folds, gently brushing my swollen clit. I moaned, grasping onto his shoulder and dug my nails into his back.

"Holy shit, Ace" I muttered, aching for him to be inside me. Water trickled softly down our heated bodies, making Ace's inky hair droop around his forehead

"Say my name again" He grunted, teasing my entrance. His green orbs focused on my bright blue ones, waiting for me to comply. I swallowed before responding.

"Ace, please. I n-need you. I-I need you inside me" I whimpered, frustrated.

My back arched against the slippery shower wall as he thrust into me roughly. The sudden intense pleasure coaxing a scream out of me. My mouth hung open as I breathed loudly and deeply, shutting my eyes in bliss. Ace's grunts sent me into a high, and I bathed in the moment, literally and figuratively. This was all I could ever ask for, true love... and sex. Hot, dirty sex.

"I wish you could see how beautiful you looked right now." Ace breathed, kissing my lips with such force, I thought we'd fall. "Tell me, what would you like me to do to you"

I bit my lip, opening my eyes.

"Fuck me harder. And don't stop... don't. Ever. Stop" I whispered, landing soft pecks to his hard chest. Ace obliged and sped up, ramming into me with an incredible amount of force. Chills rolled through my body as he bit down on my nipple, arousing me even more, if that was possible. I felt my body shake uncontrollably as I came around Ace's hard cock. My fists clenched hard around his hair, and I moaned so loudly, I'm pretty sure Skye heard me from our dorm.

"Shit, Ace!"

He continued to thrust into me, my body weak from the powerful orgasm. With a loud grunt, Ace released his hot cum in me, grinning his goofy grin. As we came down from the high, he carried over me to the broken bed, placing me gently on it. Puddles of water trailed out of the bathroom, and I giggled when he tried to clean it up with dirty shirts.

We haven't known each other for too long, but I loved him with my whole heart. And that's probably a dangerous feeling to have for a rich, playboy, but what the hell! You only live once right? So why not go all in! We are imperfect and we are wrong for each other. But as the saying goes... to wrongs make a right. Or was it two wrongs don't make a right?

"Hey Danny?" Ace brought me back to reality, standing in front of me butt-ass naked. I frowned and gazed over his playful expression. "I have a really... really stupid idea"

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