Chapter Eight

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"Okay, so dress casual, but not over the top," I paused, collecting my purse off the coffee table. "And make sure you offer to pay for dinner, my parents always make sure my boyfriends are proper gentlemen. So this will be difficult for you." I heard Ace scoff over the phone and smiled.

"Don't even go there Danny... and I will be fine, I'm not four, I can dress up." He snapped, causing me to chuckle.

"I beg to differ... so pick me up in 10?" I asked, heading to my mirror, checking out my outfit.

"Yeah, okay, see you in a bit, love" He sighed and hung up. I plopped my phone into my white purse and slung it over my shoulder, gazing in the mirror. I decided to wear a sexy, grey, long-sleeved sweater dress. It was a turtle neck and ended at my upper thighs. Geometrical patterns were embroidered in the clothing. I paired it with white high top sneakers and wore lacy black panties, knowing Ace would pull something funny on me during the dinner. My hair was loosely curled and I applied a small amount of makeup. I looked...

"Hot! You gotta date or something?" Skye went to sit down on her bed and I rolled my eyes, spinning around to face her.

"I'm going to dinner with my parents, you know that," I said while stuffing my purse with lip gloss and my wallet. She chuckled and watched me get ready.

"So, Danny..." Skye started, biting her lip nervously. I gave her a confused look and she opened her mouth to speak but closed it again. I frowned, then sat next to her.

"What's up?" I asked kindly, putting my hand on her shoulder.

"Are you... falling... for Ace?" Her voice was soft and she looked at me through the corner of her eye. My heart stopped and my throat suddenly became dry. How did she know? Was it that obvious? I mean, I wasn't swooning over him every 10 seconds like a lovestruck teenager. Skye knows me very well, but I didn't think she could read my mind. She snapped in my face, forcing me out of my thoughts. "I think I got my answer" She spoke warily. I sighed and lay my head on hers, closing my eyes for just a moment.

"I wish I wasn't, Skye. I can't handle another heartbreak. Alexander destroyed me." Tears threatened to fall as reopened my eyes.

"I know, babe... I know" She rubbed my back soothingly and we sat there in comfortable silence until a knock sounded at the door. I stood up straightening out my dress and smiled at Skye. She gave me a reassuring hug and I left to open the door, wiping away the tears that brimmed my eye line. I took a deep breath and turned the knob, finding Ace tapping on his phone. I licked my lips, taking in his sexy outfit. A plain white shirt tightly fitted his muscular torso and a black leather jacket covered it. Dark jeans hung deliciously on his hips and ended at his black dress shoes. I kept my face in a stoic expression as I checked him out, making sure he couldn't read me. Ace's eyes were shielded in sunglasses that complemented all his facial features, and his hair was messy, as usual. I cleared my throat before speaking.

"You... clean up nicely" I managed out, walking past him and to the exit. He jogged to catch up with me.

"And you look beautiful, Love" He complimented, making my heart soar. I smiled and quickly pressed my lips into a line. I can't let his words affect me, not like Alexander.

"Thanks" I whispered as we made it to his cherry-red convertible

"After you, my lady" He teased, opening the car door for me.

"Why thank you, kind sir" I grinned and bowed my head to him. I giggled as he shut the door, walking over to the driver's seat. His car smelled of his intoxicating cologne, sending my mind reeling.

"We are gonna have such a fun time tonight" He smirked and chuckled lowly as he started the engine. Then spun around and pulled out a Victoria's Secret bag from the back seat, tossing it to me. I tilted my head at him, puzzled. "Just open it" Ace grinned, chewing on a piece of gum. He turned the steering wheel to drive out of the parking lot. I watched his sharp jaw clench and unclench, god this man was gorgeous. I returned my attention to the bag and stuck my hand in it, rummaging around for whatever Ace bought me. I felt something hard and took it out, gasping when I read the product name. I heard him laugh next to me.

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