Chapter Seventeen

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"Try me" I repeated, spinning around so we were facing each other. He grinned and pulled me closer, making it look as if we were slow dancing. Ace's hand snaked down my torso, stopping at the hem of my dress. He played with the soft material, brushing his warm fingers against my thigh every so often.

"We have work to do... let's not get sidetracked, love" Ace murmured and moved his head so we were cheek to cheek. I moaned again, emphasizing the effect he had on me. I knew he was resisting, having an intoxicated partner wasn't ideal. "See the bouncer over there?" He whispered discreetly, and I tilted my head to see who he was talking about. A man in a sharp suit stood in front of a metal door, arms crossed over his chest. Intimidating. I nodded and turned back to Ace, who gave me a knowing look.

"Now?" I asked, sobering up almost completely. The man was chillingly scary. How could I seduce someone like that?

"Yes, meet you outside in 20?" Ace asked, starting to walk away. Before he could get too far, I clasped my hand around his wrist, yanking him back into me, and smashed my lips into his. Ace's tongue quickly darted into my mouth, and as soon as it started, I ended it.

"Okay, now go" I yelled over the music, pulling away from him and stepping towards the bouncer. Maybe I should act lost, and ask for the bathroom. Or do I just go at it immediately? You know what, I'll just wing it.

"Excuse me? Do you know who the DJ is?" I shouted, getting his attention.

"No ma'am, I don't." He responded stoically, not moving a muscle. I frowned and sucked on my teeth, getting frustrated. With a new plan in mind, I smiled cheekily, walking closer to him.

"Then how about you direct me to the bathroom. I need to... freshen up" The bouncer relaxed slightly and smiled a big toothy smile.

"Is that a proposition?"

"Do you want it to be?"

We stared at each other for a while, and I giggled lightly. Sexual tension filling the air around us. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Ace slip into the basement door. He winked and smiled, giving me silent encouragement.

"Actually, miss, I appreciate it, but I'm happily married." The man responded, wiggling his fingers in front of my face, showing off a wedding band. I nodded and patted his chest.

"Me too, mister." I laughed, turning on my heel, and strolling towards the exit. The cool air incased my body after exiting the building, and I shivered gently, making my way to the back of the night club. As much as I hated to admit it, Ace was right about the adrenaline rush this gave me... he seems to always be right.

The alley was extremely creepy, being home to overflowing trash cans, steaming pipes, and rodents scurrying around. Definitely a place I wouldn't go without pepper spray... or a gun. I rounded a corner, crashing into something hard.

"Ow," I mumbled, shaking off the harsh fall, and examining my scraped elbows. My eyes widened after I realized me and Ace had walked right into each other. He helped me to my feet, picking up a large black bag. "Holy... you got it?" I asked, marveled by his efficiency.

"Yes, but love, we need to get out of here... like NOW!" He shouted, pushing my head down as a gunshot rang around us.

"What's going on?" I all but yelled, running my eyes over his sweaty face. Ace took my hand, and lead me down the alleyway, swiftly taking me through tunnels between each building.

"Run now, talk later" He gasped out. Ace was nervous... which concerned me greatly. He never got nervous, he wasn't afraid of anything. I ditched my heels, kicking them into a puddle, and stuck my hair into a high ponytail, making it significantly easier to keep up with his speed. This night was not going as planned. After sprinting for about 20 minutes, he finally paused, hiding behind an abandoned building. He slouched onto his knees, panting hard.

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