Chapter Eighteen

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"I'm not the only one at fault here, you know" Ace reasoned, stumbling aimlessly around the kitchen. I cocked a brow and smirked, daring him to continue. "You were psychotic enough to agree with me."

"You were psychotic enough to have offered it" I countered, sipping my cool red wine. He scoffed, opening the utensils drawer and picked out a whisk. Ace was baking me a cake. An "I'm sorry" cake. After the stunt he pulled, I refused to speak to him ever again, unless he did whatever I said for the rest of the vacation. After about three hours of my stubborn silence, he caved... and now here we are.

"Remember you have to finish our project too, it's due in about..." I glanced at the clock on my laptop screen "about 30 minutes" giggling softly, I continued to type out my story for the blog. Lately, it's been getting more difficult to hide the blog from Ace, he's always hovering around. Sometimes it's like he knows exactly what I'm doing, but is too indifferent to say anything.

"Love, what are you writing?" He asked arrogantly, pouring the cake batter into a circular tray. I sighed, conflicted if I should tell him or not. Surely he'd tease me about it, especially after what he read in the library. I can't keep it a secret for long though, he had already gotten close to figuring it out.

"The daily blog" I held my breath, praying he wouldn't be overdramatic. He froze, a smile twisting onto his lips.

"You mean to tell me... that you're the mysterious erotic writer?" Ace feigned shock, placing a hand on his heart.

"Don't tell me you didn't already know" I snapped, turning my attention to him.

"Oh, I knew since the day at the library, love. The little grin you made as I read, the way you fidgeted with your fingers. Wasn't too hard to solve the puzzle."

Heat grew in my cheeks, and I covered my face with my hands, blocking out the embarrassment. He laughed lightly, spinning my computer so he could read the screen. I groaned in humiliation, expecting hours of endless mockery, but instead, he let out a low whistle, seemingly impressed.

"You should publish these, love. I know they're just for fun, but these have serious potential. I can pull a few strings with a friend at work. Ask her to review it and maybe you can start an early career." I removed my hands from my head, frowning at the offer.

"Seriously?" I asked dumbstruck.


We stared at each other for a while. Ace gave me concerned looks as I squinted at him, trying to pick up on any nervous body language. Sure enough, he was completely and utterly steady, telling me he was telling the truth. The ring of the doorbell broke us from our trance and, I hopped off my stool, stepping toward the entrance.

"That might be Anne, I asked her to bring some... stuff over from Adam and Eve" Ace called from the kitchen, and I rolled my eyes, laughing softly.

"Who told you that you were getting some tonight?" I shouted, swinging the door open.

"Wishful thinking, love. Besides, if I have to suck up, I'm gonna make it fun. Is Anne there?"

It was as if the world slowed around me, every sound faded into white noise. I gasped sharply, my heart leaping into my throat. Hot tears stung my eyes, as he shot me a million-dollar smile, a smile that used to make my heart soar. Now it only caused me pain. Admittedly, he seemed to have cleaned himself up. New haircut, healthy toned body, clear skin. He didn't even smell like weed or alcohol. But, even so, that didn't change the trauma he put me through.

"Hey, doll" He greeted, almost provoking me to dry heave at the nickname, almost.

"Alexander" I manage a whisper, stepping backward as he tried for a hug. I wanted to puke, to run into Ace's arms, and let him comfort me, but I stood my ground. Alexander no longer had a hold on me. He didn't get the satisfaction of seeing me cry.

"How," I swallowed, trying to compose myself. "How did you find me?" His eyes bore into mine, reading my thoughts with ease. He knew how terrified I was, he also knew exactly how to induce fear by just a subtle glint in the eye.

"The news. Apparently you robbed a club with Ace Mitchell? Didn't know you had it in you." He scoffed, then cleared his throat.

"Yeah, well I've changed... for the better" I snapped, gaining confidence. "Did you come here to apologize? hmm, Alexander? Why are you here? I left for one reason, and one reason only... to get the hell away from you. Do you have any idea how much you hurt me... physically and mentally? I mean, fuck, you... you... destroyed me. You, quite literally, beat me into a shell of what I once was. So, WHY ARE YOU HERE!!!!" I roared, boiling in rage. I was sick of this, sick of him. He needed to get out of my life, once and for all.

"Actually, I did come here to apologize. I've been in rehab... 90 days sober" He pulled out a 90-day chip, shining it in my face. "But, you know you much I hate the attitude... and that dirty mouth." Before I knew what was happening, he had me pinned against the wall, smashing his fist into my cheek. One hit, two hits, three hits. He was relentless, wrapping his hand around my throat and squeezing tightly. I gave up fighting, at this rate, I'd be knocked out in seconds. Maybe this time he'd actually finish the job, leave me lying dead on the floor for Ace. My mind fuzzed, becoming dizzier and dizzier. The lack of oxygen caught up with me, to the point to where I was completely numb. I felt my eyes roll to the back of my head, and I drifted into unconsciousness.

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