1 - Jail Transfer

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The court room cell is cold and uncomfortable, I know it's only so long until I'm transferred to prison. I've only just managed to stop crying, the pain I feel right now is indescribable. But I've got to remember why I'm doing this! Ashley has kids who she needs to look after. I jump back in fear when my door is clanged open, I look up at see Randy. I harshly wipe my eyes and realise it's just a police officer. I get handcuffed and moved out to the van. I see Colby and Ashley as I'm walking toward the van, I can see Colby is crying and I have to physically hold myself back from trying to run to him and give him a hug. I sit down in the van, not long after the engine coughs and splutters signalling to me it's started. Within five minutes of the journey I feel sick, I get car sick real easy if I can't see where I'm going. I tried to signal to the officer up front by kicking the wall but I was shouted at to stay still. We went round a sharp bend and that pushed me over the edge, I was taken over by a bout of sickness. I tried to move so it wouldn't get on me but failed. Could my day really get any worse? The van abruptly stopped causing me to slide forward into the van wall. I feel dazed, it doesn't take me long to realise the van is tumbling. I grasp onto the bench as the van begins to spin. I managed to look out the window and I'm instantly taken aback to when I got in my car accident. I try to move as I see a truck losing control as it slides into the back of the van. The impact knocks me out instantly.

Becky's police van left around half an hour ago, Ashley is practically begging me to take her home. I just saw the love of my life taken away for actions that weren't even hers, I don't know how to feel. I know why she did what she did, but I just wish she put me first. Me and Becky would've looked after the twins until Ashley was back but now instead Becky's career and reputation is ruined, there really is no comeback from a murder charge, no sorry a manslaughter charge. After everything Becky has been through don't you think Ashley could take responsibility this one time. I shouldn't be mad at Ashley it was Becky's choice after all. I finally move towards the car, I really don't feel like talking too much and Ashley understands.

Colby is in a state, I feel so damn guilty. I don't know why I agreed to let Becky go down for what I did. I climb into the drivers seat and start the engine, the radio comes on and it's starts playing 'sexual' I rush to turn it off, I look up and see an even more pained expression on Colby's face. I start to drive down the highway, a car pulls alongside me and I look and see Randy driving, I look away then look back and it's just some old man with his grandkids. I look forwards and the number plate of the car in front of me says 'Guilty' I try to blink it away but it stays. I'm so focused on the number plate that I almost crash the car, luckily I slam on the breaks. I don't think Colby is the only one in a state, I thought I was doing okay except for the guilt eating me from the inside out but clearly not. Everyone and everything I look at I see something related to Randy or what I did and it's driving me crazy. I feel dizzy so I drive a little quicker, all I want right now is too be home with my kids but that can't even happen because my house is Becky's house and that's still a fucking crime scene. Me and Colby are both living with my mum just until Becky's house becomes liveable again, I don't even want to think of the state it's currently in. My phone starts ringing and it's the police. I pull into the nearest lay by as I answer the phone.

I just about manage to open my eyes and my head is pounding. I feel an unusual tingly feeling coating my body. I see a very familiar female officer climbing her way inside.

"Hello again Rebecca."

I instantly know who it is, she's Randy's sister, hence why she was sitting with Colby and Ashley at court.

"We need to get you out of here, fire fighters think it's going to blow."

She reaches her hand out to me and I take it. She pulls me up, the tingling feeling gets painful as I begin to walk towards her. I can feel the blood pouring down my forehead, everything about this situation feels so familiar it's almost scary. As soon as we exit the van I almost collapse so I'm instantly seen to by paramedics as they put me into an ambulance. I get handcuffed to the transport bed. Soon after I get locked down Randy's sister climbs in the back.

"Hey, I'm Randy's sister my name is Lily. I promise you I'm not on his side. He was a vicious and cruel human being and he deserved everything he got. I'm really sorry for not telling you who I was when I arrested you, but it would've completely comprised your case."

I really didn't know what to say. I felt a numbing feeling starting to replace the tingling. I felt really weird and then it all went black.

One minute I was talking to her the next minute she started seizing, the paramedic sitting alongside me started grabbing things. I really didn't know what was going on, she injected this thing in Rebecca's arm and the seizing slowed down. I still felt very panicked and I think it showed in my face as the paramedic began to explain what happened,

"It occurs sometimes in head trauma victims and in the past Becky has received many from her career so it was only so long."

I felt guilt settle in my stomach as a realised the majority of those head traumas were probably from my brother. I just nodded to what he was saying, zoning out slightly as the ambulance came to a stop. I jumped out the back of the ambulance and dialled the stations number to see if they could notify Ashley I think it was. A black Land Rover pulled into the car park and I saw a blonde haired woman sprinting toward me.

"I'm Ashley, where's Becky?"

"Follow me."

A/N: Hello everyone and welcome to the sequel to 'The Accident' I didn't think I would be already publishing my first chapter of the sequel but I hope you enjoyed I will try my best I have a schedule but we all know how that went with the last story 😔 I'll see you all soon hopefully with another chapter.

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