11 - Thank you Seth

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*2 weeks later*
My life has been so sad recently, I've spoken to Colby's family about what happened and it killed me hearing someone else cry as much as me. The WWE have asked me to come out tonight on RAW and let the WWE universe know why neither me or Colby have been in the ring. I don't know if I can get through a speech about Colby without completely breaking down, but I guess I got to try. They told me to bring his belt with me and to take it out to the ring with me. I have to leave soon so I can get my makeup done and get given some clothes, I'm really scared. I haven't spoke about Colby's death since it happened. I only got the guts to go back into me and Colby's bedroom yesterday, it broke my heart seeing all the photos of us together, my heart completely shattered when I saw our engagement photos.

"I wish there was some way to bring you back, I don't know how much long I can go without you, I've got my first doctors appointment tomorrow I'm gonna miss you in there."

I knew someday soon I'd have to start packing up some of Colby's things, I just honestly can't put myself through that yet. Ashley and Joe have both been off work since he died and Krisi has barely come out of her room. Both Ashley and Joe are coming with me tonight, I think Joes even gonna say a few words.

*Time skip to RAW*

"Tonight's going to be a very different Monday night raw, there has been an incident which has teared the WWE family to shreds. So I'd like to welcome Becky Lynch!"

My theme song hit so I knew I had to go out, I placed Colby's title on my shoulder and walked out and to the ring. I was handed a microphone and then I climbed into the ring.

"Hello everyone, you all know who Seth Rollins was. Firstly he was my fiancé and secondly he was your beast slayer."

I took a deep breath and shook my head before speaking.

"We all know what an amazing man he was. What an amazing father he would have been, but unfortunately he's no-"

'Come on Becks you've got this'. I could hear Colby's voice in my head, I looked around at the crowd and saw the fear and sadness in there eyes. I knew I had to tell them.

"Unfortunately he passed away two Sunday's ago."

I saw many expressions change and tears start to fall, I could feel the tears rolling down my face. I heard Seth's music hit so I knew I had to sit down. I almost collapsed but I managed to sit down on the chair. I watched as every superstar in the locker room came out together, many of them already crying as they all just found out. I listened as the crowd started to chant.

"Thank you Seth!"

I let my tears fall freely, I had no idea of how supportive the WWE universe would be. It fills my heart with warmth to hear them chanting about Seth.


I look up the ramp and see Kurt Angle standing there.

"I asked you to bring Seth's universal title with you tonight for a reason. In honour of Seth we are retiring the universal title and know instead people will be competing for a custom Rollins belt."

He unveiled it and it was beautiful. I was crying so hard it was difficult to get out of the ring. I walked up the ramp and the 'Thank you Seth' chants were still ringing through the arena. I practically fell into Kurt's arms.

"Thank you so much for this."

"It's alright Becky, it's what had to be done,"

Even though I'm so so sad right now, seeing all the support has brought a smile to my face. Seth music hits once more and the superstars start to filter back into gorilla. I'm left standing all alone once more.

"Even though he is gone, he will never be forgotten."

"Thank you Seth!"

"The man will be back soon, but I just need some time to heal."

"Thank you Seth!"

"Goodnight everyone."

I walked back into gorilla, I looked a mess. My makeup was all smudged, I even got some on his jacket. Shit, I got some in his jacket.

"You alright Becks?"

I saw Ashley and I could feel another wave of crying was coming.

"I got makeup on his jacket."

"Let me clean it off for you."

She grabbed a wet wipe from in her changing bag for the twins and started to wipe off all the makeup, I am still crying because I think I've ruined it. Now it's not even going smell like him anymore. 

"Look its all cleaned up. Aw come here Becks."

It's the little things now that cause my breakdowns, I accidentally smashed a photo frame yesterday and I took me half an hour to get off the floor. I start to feel sick, so I run to the bathroom in just enough time to be sick. I hear the clipping of somebody's heels and I just hope it's Ashley. The door gets pushed open and it's Nattie.

"Aw Becky, come on let me help you up."

She pulled me off the floor and got some tissue paper to wipe my face. She pulled me into a tight hug afterwards, I couldn't help but breakdown again.

"He's never coming back!"

"I know, I'm so sorry."

"I never thought this would ever happen and now he's just gone."

"I understand, ever since I lost my dad somethings been missing in my life."

"Does the pain ever get easier."

"Yeah, after a while things start to get easier. But you'll never forget how you felt, that'll be with you for life."

"Thanks Nattie."

"For what?"

"Telling it to me straight, not pitying me."

"I'm glad I can help, now let's get out back out there."


"We may have planned a little farewell party."

"Oh okay."

I took Nattie's hand and we walked out together, we turned a corner and once again I saw every superstar. I saw a cake with 'Thank you Seth' on it.

"Who planned this?"

"We did"

I looked up and saw Ashley and Joe stepping towards me. I heard someone call my name and turned around to see Stephanie McMahon.

"We'd like to give you as much time off as you need."

She turned and started to walk away.



"Steph I'm pregnant."

I heard gasps from behind me and a few little giggles through the tears.

"Alright then, see you in 9 months."

I turned back and was consumed with hugs and lots of 'if you need help with anything just call me' even people who claimed not to like me are giving me hugs. It's really nice that Joe and Ashley put this together, for Colby. After one really long night, I was finally getting back into Ashley's car. I knew tonight was going to be exhausting and very emotionally difficult. Going out and speaking to the universe was so hard, I'm gonna miss them while I'm pregnant, but I need the time off. Tonight with the rest of the energy I have left, I'm going to watch me and Colby's match against Andrade and Zelina Vega. I couldn't keep my head up but I knew I had to somehow to stay awake.

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